The 52-year-old guy who does the voice for Elmo just took a leave of absence from the show after being accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old boy. Gives a whole new back story to Tickle Me Elmo.
I wonder if he brought the puppet and said molesty things in Elmo's voice. Also odd since I just watched the documentary on him like 2 days ago.
Now the new thing is slap the word Zombies on the package with a lot of purple and green coloring. Even the gun industry isn't immune to retarded 18-45 male marketing schemes.
Friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day a photo of the "zombie" ammo he just bought for his "tactical" shotgun. Paid a damn premium for that fancy package too.
My brother in law goes and works that show as well. Last time he came home and slept for almost a day. As for the rest, I can't weigh in. though I like to imagine him shitting himself.
I was surprised at the last gun show I went to a guy had a booth dedicated to different types of hand loaded dragon breath rounds. At least you get a light show for your money....
Aaand according to the shitheads on Sons of Guns and American Guns, a proper gun test is seeing if you can hit a 1' target loaded with tannerite 25 yards away. I'm all for selling guns and ammo and everything, but fuck sakes that Hornady Zombie stuff is stupid. Same goes for the mall ninja tacticool shit. Sure I sound like an 80 year old traditionalist when it comes to firearms (reflected in the stocks I make), but I'm tired of the modern all-black theme already.
I replied with a PM to Kato because I didn't want to clog up the thread with gun talk, but we're going down that road. SHOT show sucks. It's huge and I would say that there are as many or more tourists visiting the show who have a cousin who owns a gun store as their are actual buyers, and I'm saying this as someone who works in the purchasing end of the spectrum. It's awesome to speak with a manufacturer's rep in front of a display only to have a dude carrying a big gulp and flip flops walk between you in the rep to practice his "tactical draw" with a handgun. It's also quite unnerving to look up and realize someone is using your head as a point of focus for a scoped rifle. I legit had a dude sneeze into his hand, hold a handgun, and then let me get my turn with it. No thanks. I know what a 1911 feels like. Overall, the tactical end of the business is behind the wheel, even in the hunting end of it. They days of smiling fathers and sons hefting a string of ducks with the family dog looking up at them admiringly has been replaced with face-paint wearing douchebags who look positively miserable to be in the field.
I was disgusted with myself. I had more in the fridge but said no. Having no bacon this morning is my punishment for such a foul deed.
I suggest further penance of replacing the bacon you would have eaten with the alcohol you should drink. Report back here when you feel you've successfully punished yourself.
When I realized that it was still Monday, I went to get some ice cream to eat at work. After taking a few bites, I had a brain fart and said "Ugh this abortion has a horrible after taste." This was twenty minutes ago and I haven't stopped laughing since.