I have a pair of workout pants that are super cute, but a couple of times I have casually pulled them up then glanced in the mirror and realized that they give me camel toe. Needless to say, they only get worn for workouts at home now
Yes, I have some stretchy workout pants like that too. You gotta have some stable underpants to fortify against the dreaded camel toe. Those thin jobbies just don't do the trick.
I usually do lucy, or lulu when I am feeling rich. But I bought these nike ones for their cute purple piping and scalloped bottom edges. I should have known that those types of details don't come with a downside.
Being bored and drunk and not having facebook sucks, you guys. Also, autocorrect on my phone tried to change 'whisky' to 'whiskey.' Clearly my phone does not understand the difference.
My baby-daddy and I have been getting along lately, which is great. Until I receive a dirty text from him a few minutes ago. I really don't know how I should respond. This is awkward and hilarious. Hooray booze and a bowl.
There are two people in this world I will have sex with and not regret it in any regard. One of them is Mariah Carey. Spoiler I don't know who this girl is, or what ethnicity she is, but I really don't fucking care.
Wait, are you talking about the pictures I posted a little while ago, or my usual ones like this: NSFW
I was thinking that crazy ginger one. Gives me the creeps. edit: I guess he knows I am not a ginger...fail.
He's posted that same goddamn ginger at least twice, probably more like 4 times since my click rate on his NSFW tags are running around 50%. It's like Russian Roulette. She is very scary (but a minor improvement over some of the ladies he posts).
What has been seen cannot be unseen. Just remember that. There isn't enough wine to drink away those memories.