For anybody out there who doesn't get this reference, MoreCowbell's penis is absolutely covered in Dave Barry quotations.
As we fall asleep I hold it. I've certainly never asked. Even to make vroom vroom or pewpewpewpew noises.
I just saw Snow White and the Huntsman. It was fairly enjoyable, but the girl from Twilight still cant act.
Does is make me a hippo-critter that I like working outside but I fucking hate insects so much? Every time one buzzes past my ear I get the heebie-jeebies.
I went to my cousin's wedding yesterday, in the midlands just outside Pietermaritzburg. It was alright, aside from the cold front that started arriving. It was an outdoor ceremony. I was wearing a suit and was so cold I was struggling to bend my fingers, at 2.30pm in the afternoon. Yikes. My cousin was wearing one of those dresses with the open back - I felt bad for her because of the weather, even though it was a lovely dress. Half the people had brought blankets. Everyone had to be ushered into the banquet hall when the rain started. Anyway, it was a cool ceremony, if a little religious for my liking (Agnostic here). As for the Reception, that was not fun. I was stuck at the table with all the groom's single friends (all guys), who I had nothing in common with, since they are all in the agriculture field and I'm a marketing graduate. Also at the table was a couple my dad knows (he made their wedding bands) and another couple where the wife was a friend of my cousin's that I didn't know well, and another couple who knew the groom - the wife/girlfriend/S.O. of that couple was giving me a death stare all night, even though I'd never met them. I ended up saying very little and managed to not get dragged into most of the conversation and we (myself and the parents) ended up back at the lodge we were staying at 9.30pm with me having not had a single alcoholic beverage. I also managed to avoid the dance floor and there was not one single unattached female at the event, so no motive to stay. I'm proud of myself for managing to not embarrass myself. If you say almost nothing and do almost nothing, you can't be considered an embarrassment, right? At least it's over with and I was not interrogated about being single, which happens fairly often at family events.