This is a great weekend. Got a promotion with a 18% raise. Ribfest and Blues/Jazzfest is happening. Oh and at the same time I got a promotion, this other agency I've been dying to get into called me for a interview at a position at my level, which they haven't done before. Its today, at 4:00. My boss is out of the office and I get to roll the fuck out early. YES. Does that duck have a winning song?
You can buy liquor at Costco in Georgia, picked up a handle of ketal one for 30 bucks. Not to bad, vodka tonics at the pool Saturday. The old lady just called bitching because I am out of town on her birthday and because her stepmother made a seafood birthday dinner for her, which sounds awesome but my old lady has a severe shellfish allergy. This is also the woman who is under investigation for allegedly pushing her ex down the stairs and killing him days after he announced he wanted a divorce and wasn't giving her a dime.
Re: TRIPLE CROWN WDT 6/8/12 ! Speaking of sexual tension, Mrs. Noland takes off on July 2 for the entire month. Bachelor life is fun and all, but I'm not looking forward to 4 weeks of abstinence. July would also make a great month for a meet up since the last few times we tried died of apathy.
Her stepmother is a piece of work, her dad is as well, I have been with my fiance for 3 years and her stepmother has never spoken to me once, her father has said less than 10 sentences to me in that same time period. I don't have to see them but once or twice a year now and I try and get out of doing that, southern Baptist hypocrites are fucking crazy.
Re: TRIPLE CROWN WDT 6/8/12 ! I know how you feel, my wife leaves next week with the kids for a month(probably will turn into a month and a half) to her parents house in Jersey. It'll be great for the first couple of days, maybe even a week catching up on movies I haven't seen and sleeping in and all, but I'll miss the noise and chaos after that. On a lighter note, today is mine and my wifes 11th anniversary. Eleven glorious years of nothing but fluffy bunnies and unicorns sprinkled with fairy dust! We will be celebrating by bringing our girls to the local Bowl-O-Rama, and with any luck the hicks won't be all hopped up on bath salts and try to eat us. God I love Florida!
Re: TRIPLE CROWN WDT 6/8/12 ! NOOoooooooooooooo! Damn. Well, at least there's that. I guess all the steroids caught up with that horse.
I'm not very muscular so that's why I haven't posted there yet. All I've got to offer right now is my crazy hairy chest until the fruits of my gym time pay off.
That's sorta the reason why it's so huge. It's like someone took every sugary pop song of the past 20 years, put it a blender, and Call Me Maybe is the result. It's like meta-pop.
Soooo... New York's mayor AND chief of police want to de-criminalize pot. Carrying 25 grams (almost an ounce) would result in a $100 fine and no criminal charge or arrest. Wow. A lot of ignorant, fatfuck rich people must be choking on their own cocks after that bombshell.
Fuck you for getting my hopes up, starts raining near me in an hour or so, then picks back up tomorrow early afternoon. Lame.
Pain relief would be trapping every pharmacy lobbyist in a wooden shed and setting the walls on fire. That's exactly who I was reffering to in the last post (amongst a few others). Oxy cannot have a cage fight with Mary Jane. Oxy gets knocked out on the first punch and the card girl pisses on it's face. One turns people into raving junkie lunatics, the other is the only drug that doesn't kill people. In America, there's no money in healthy people. But no money in dead ones, either. That's probably why you guys consume now more than 85% of the world's painkillers.