It's funny. I am in chronic pain. The cocksucker GP and specialist I went to refused to give me a prescription for painkillers. They toss these things out to old people to shut them up, and to anybody with so much as a scrape, but I could barely walk and I guess got labeled for drug seeking behavior. The specialist wanted to pump me full of injections at $300 a pop anyway. My chiropractor just shook his head at that nonsense. He's still wondering how I'm mobile. The whole medical system can get burned half to death then thrown in a grave of elephant shit to drown. If I could spare the extra cheese to buy pot, I would. Not even insured anymore. But I can't so I ice myself down until my whole body is numb. When this shit was really bad, during the therapy/rehab, I'd get wasted off absinthe I got for Christmas. Was the only thing that dulled the pain. So perpetual hangovers were a nice icing on that shit cake.
I am so god damn pissed that horse was scratched. DAMMIT!! So close. Having watched the first two and saw that horse basically run the exact same race in both, winning the exact same way, was incredible. I agree that what they are doing is right by the horse but I'm still so disappointed. Poop.
Ah yes, the Children. They don't want them to be taught that pot really isn't that bad, but they DO want them to be taught that creation science is as plausable as evolution. Why are they still concearned about the children? The ecomony? Toast. The environment? Fucked up to the point of beyond repair (fact). Reality TV dominates pop culture and mom and dad are scolding their kids over having a joint in their backpack in between tumblers of scotch to wash down a handfull of Ambien. Maybe they should be less worried about what kids thinking and more worried about their future, which at this going rate will be a shopping cart filled with cans. Anyhoo, I'm rambling. Otters. Boobies. Thundering Assholes. Ryan Milliron.
Well my mom sometimes cooks her marinara with just a hint of cinnamon. Maybe that's what he means, probably.
Beeeeeeer lunch! Beeeeeeer lunch! Yay! I swear, if Lsu keeps dragging this on, I'm not going to have to go back to the office. This is nice!
This summer time, nothing to do thing, is kind of strange. I know that in my head I am a student, but I feel like I should be doing more than just being a dad with my vacation days. It is crazy that I looked forward to summer break so much when I was a kid.
It's all about mini-vacations dude. Gravytas is gonna shit on me because it's from Reddit, but since there's so many Canadians on the board, I had to post it: Spoiler People actually take pictures like these and expect women to contact them? Lord.
I'm watching children. It's you people's job to bring the boobies. EDIT: And why is the banner ad telling me to date black women. Doesn't this web sight know black man gave up black women when we got rid of that jive sucka Jim Crow? Date black women?! Shoot who in the hell would make my sammiches?
Hey guys I think you're misinterpreting the pot thing in New York. They're not making it any more legal to use, they are suggesting lessening the penalties for physically having it on your person, as what seems to be happening is that police will be frisking someone, ask them to turn out their pockets, and if you pull out reefer it's an automatic class 2 misdemeanor I believe. The people this affects the most are the young minorities that are the most frequently stopped and frisked. The reasoning for this change is the same as how they changed the laws a few years ago to make penalties for having small amounts of crack and cocaine more similar- initially the laws punishing crack possession were significantly more draconian and affected minorities in far greater numbers. Here's an article that sums it all up.