Fuck that. The day I start watching Nascar is the day I change tis htread to "The fucking random kick me in the fucking balls" thread. I cook LA food, like LSU, love the saints, and love the culture that surrounds the state, but I hate redneck culture.
I'm below the cardboard divider on my case of beer. Alone. Unemployed. But I'm not depressed, or at least admitting it. What do I do next? Besides masturbation and heroin....
Bahahaha my roommate finally after 2 and a half years hooked up with a girl. Granted she was a big giant drunken mess of a slutty girl, but no matter. The best part? She's totally deaf.
So I'm sitting here drinking vodka capri suns with two couples feeling awkward, but I think drinking alone in my room would be even more pathetic. Also, they have terrible taste in music. Sometimes I question my reasoning for moving to California, but then I set my weather widget for Ann Arbor and see that it's 40 and raining, and I feel a little better about it. And really, living at my parents house again might kill me a little.
I'm working on in the middle of fucking nowhere, build gas plants. On shore. I get one day off in 3 weeks of working long as days. And tomorrow is it baby! So i'm waiting for a few guys to beach me up, we are heading to a beach and making a huge fucking fire. And getting really drunk. I hope I don't get so drunk I hook up with one of the nasty fugly skimpies at the mermaid. Talk about way too much cottage cheese on those girls.
Re: Weekend Random Drunk Thread- 11/6/09 Well, late again as usual. Glad to see you kids behaved yourselves (..somewhat). Yesterday was my 31st birthday so a couple of the boys and I went out for wings, beer, pool, more beer, strippers, more beer, and uh.. I woke up at 11am minus about $100. I'm told we went to a "massage parlour" at some point after last call so you can only guess what that means. Today I'm going over to my mothers house for dinner.
Re: Weekend Random Drunk Thread- 11/6/09 Herpes and the AIDS...payment for happy ending. Focus: Ok, I have to be at a wedding in an hour. What time is it? Time to start drinking. Today will be started by a tall Stoli O and soda. Followed shortly thereafter by some nice Pinot Noir...(church,wedding,red wine...seems apropos).
-Got home at 7am Saturday CET. -My night included charcters called Little Stuie, Psycho Dave etc. -Bar closed....can't/won't remember, next bar. -Football hooligans....many shoots of I think JD??? Possible use of certain stimulants, pretty sure. -Some OZzie chick, psych major, analyzing me. She's gonna need theraphy after that chat. -Angry black guy with dreads flashing a dinky toy of a .22 in my face. No idea why. Could have deserved it??? -Some mantle Irish chick wanting to fight me, as in let's go outside fist fight. Fucking wierdo, she get's trown out by security, I continue drinking. ------------------------------------------------------- 15:25pm Saturday CET -Woke up, wished I didn't. -2xHeineken 0.5l, breakfast. 19:58pm CET still Saturday HELP ME JEBUS! BTW innlaws coming for dinner tomorrow.
Fuck this shit. ND is losing to Navy, I know you all are probably taking joy in that, but I've been brainwashed since the moment I was born, so screw all of you. I won't apologize. There is a bright spot, I had the brilliant idea of looking up Goosebumps episodes online, so I'm currently watching 'Night of the Living Dummy III' online. Anyone else from the Goosebumps generation? Man, I had all of those books.
Notre Douche is losing! Yes! Buckeyes are winning, why the fuck can't Tressel get an offensive coordinator!? Beer is flowing, neighbor came over for a bit, polished the case off and he's going to get a couple more.
Because it's "Election Week", the Girl Scouts were out selling cookies today. That's right, I picked up four boxes of Thin Mints and two boxes of the lemon ones my wife likes 3 months earlier than they usually sling that shit. Thin Mints in the freezer and Sailor Jerry in my glass. Alabama won, and there's a Celtics game on. All I need now is my wife to come home from work and slither out of her panties, and life will be perfect.
Just picked up a tablet off craigslist. Currently upgrading it's ram and hd, then if I have time vista => Windows 7. This all means I have a laptop graveyard on my desk, my PC case opened up with 2 hd's just hanging there. 4 lionsheads in, as it takes a while to reformat a hd and copy the important os files. Hopefully this doesn't end like my last laptop, which decided it wanted to go drink for drink with me. I won (lost). Then it's out for a couple friends' birthdays. Also, lionshead # 23 is throwing me. Chin ankle/soul/heel inn love? the fuck... and first casualty of the night - knocked a mounting screw for my external drive case off the desk.