Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I think I would be drinking with you/as fucked up as you if I had the choice.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Guy goes home with flowers and gives it to his wife. She says: "Guess now I'll have to spread my legs". He says: "What, you don't have a vase?"
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Three cheers for free homemade wine and friends' doobies HIP HIP! HOORAY! HIP HIP! HOORAY! HIP HIP! HOORAY!
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Am I too drunk/late to join the fray? I can't even be bothered to read the previous 11 (seriously, 11?) pages of thread...
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Is there a point to like them at? I'm confused. I enjoy their tunage, been to one or two of their concerts, and their logo coincided with how I feel about shit.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I like "Early man walked away as modern mad took control..." I fucked a stripper to that. Else, I don't get anybody that's smart being into them. Just me maybe.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I don't know where thisshitty bottle of somewhat white came from. There's only two things I can do with it. Throw it out or drink it. Well guess what.....I'm about to start this big fucker (bottle and body).
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I love my drunk self. Someone - I think Dar, jut put an entire bottle of white in front of me. I'd be stupid to turn it down. You never turn down an Aunt and Booze.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Everyone did. I'm about to take another white wine bottle down. I hate my inlaws.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I've always liked the rebellious nature of punk, while not caring what they said. In this case, I think you're wrong. Punk has almost always been about social commentary, and Bad Religion has always been the epitome of this. With a rocking soundtrack. Tell me you don't like "21st century digital boy" "infected", and "sorrow". Sorrow is one of the great songs of our (and I'm assuming you were born in the early 80s like me) time. BR was a paragon of punk/social rock. And they still kick ass. I saw them a year ago, and they rocked shit.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! JESUS CHRIST, dude. You're still up? Then again, I am too. What the fuck?
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! YEs, still up after 3 ambien. Dude, shit doesn't work on me so it's kind've funny to see reactions.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! I love how we are either "village idiots" or "fucking idiots". I think I'm going to put in "The Big Lebowski" and call it a night. Here's hoping you don't have some liver complications or something. Night.
Re: Friday Random Drunk Thread! Sleep tight, Iczarro, anytime you wanna talk postpunk with me you're welcome. (Bad Religion is NOT interestesting; tell me otherwise.)