When the massage therapist's name is Pavel, all the Cialis in the world isn't going to do anything for my Woodrow. The happy ending is being able to get up off the table and have a lower back pain-free week.
I hear usually not-nice things about NOLA. One: it has the second largest police force in the country, so that says something. Two: It's dirty in many places. Three: walk off the path and bad things could happen to you. I have also heard about fun times as well, but the bads outweigh the goods. And I liked the Saints in the days when the had Gil "The Thrill" Fenerty. That cracker ran people the FUCK over.
How does one become a coxswain for a rowing team? And do some teams/countries have "excellent" coxswains and others have mediocre ones? It just seems like such an necessary but standard job. Like you need one, but there is no real way to differentiate yourself. Ahh the Olympics, making me thinking heavily about rowing.
I wish there was a Christian sect that grabbed the baby by the ankles and dunked him like a bungee jumper. It would just seem so much pure if it looked like you were actually washing the child, not unlike laundry. Just one dunk, nothing extreme. It still beats getting circumsized.
A roommate's friend is visiting with his pit bull mix and mini daschund. Combined with my roommate's big dog this place is a furry madhouse.
I'm surprised this guy's balls didn't create more drag: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c3#/video/bestoftv/2012/07/27/tsr-sylvester-stratosphere-skydiver.cnn" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_c3#/vi ... ydiver.cnn</a> 96,000 foot jump. The only other guy to do it, Colonel Kittinger (mentioned in the story) is a S Florida resident. He calls in a local radio show every now and then to talk about his jump. F'n crazy dudes.
Especially if you are the Hasidic Jews who have the old rabbi suck the toddlers dick after it is cut. No need to worry about the babies getting Hepatitis C and dying.
Hey guys, I think I figured out why that guy shot up that movie theater! Spoiler He listened to this song:
I've got a six pack of Mike's Hards and it's about to get crazy in here. Post your opinions so I can debate you point by point about how wrong you are. Parker: Come at me bro.
To the best of my knowledge, nude beaches all have the exact same patronage - out of shape middle aged guys. Occasionally their out of shape middle aged wives. Sometimes the children that protective services doesn't know about yet, and once every thousand years - a hot girl who gets creeped out inside of the first hour and never goes back. Nudist camps full of hippies sometimes have private beaches where it's like a weird mormon picnic but everyone is naked. I've never been to a less sexy event. Places like Hedonism III sometimes have nude beaches that are just another part of the swingers event. Lots of places, it's legal and culturally acceptable to not wear many (or any) clothes to the beach. Those places don't call them nude beaches - they call them 'beaches' in whatever the local language is, I can't think of any where English is the first language, and the people using them think that westerners are weird for being so up tight. The crowds at those beaches usually look just like every other beach crowd, more families than hot girls. Completely hit or miss, and just as much chance of seeing a tubby middle aged father with his cock swinging around while he throws ball with his kids, as a hot girl with her tits out. And if you do see a hot girl, acting as though her nudity is a sexual thing makes you seem like a complete fuck head - like the middle eastern guy who freaks out because girls are wearing summer dresses.
In Greece, many of the tourist beaches (particularly on the islands) are semi-nude (topless) and nude for mostly middle aged fat Germans. I did see an awesome rack on display at a tourist beach resort in Crete in 2003 as some guy proudly paraded his wife/girlfriend around. Friends of mine who travelled to Norway and other parts of Scandanavia in the late 90's discovered the trend of topless sunbathing in city parks during summer. Thiugh, it's usually the people that you want to see least of that are most happy for you to see most of.