So after the crazy opening in Beijing what is the highlight of the Opening Ceremonies London going to be? 1000 chavs cashing their welfare checks? Wait WHAT THE FUCK? Are they opening the games in the Shire?
Here comes the Scouring of the Shire. Wait, no it is Isengard. Am I the only one seeing this? There are about 5 minutes until the Ents come bursting in.
No, a bit drunk, but I thought it was an ad for the Hobbit when I turned on the TV. Edit: Holy shit, the Brits just won Opening Ceremonies. Forever.
Dude - that sucks. I work w/ a team of highly skilled professionals who are respectful, communicative and have a great sense of humor. Who am I kiddin'. Half the people I work w/ eat their young and tamper with wheel chair brakes for sport.
Spoiler Pip pip look alive, people!! I am home from work for the weekend and demand you entertain me as I sit here in harsh judgement and make comments on how you should be improving your lives.
Ugh. Remind me to never, ever travel during the peak tourist season again. I have met the most obnoxious, uncurious, uncultured tourists everywhere. I feel bad for you Americans. I've never really had a problem meeting Americans abroad or in the states. Not any different than any group of travellers. But the ones here think that Paris is a giant amusement park, and rather than caring about the city's history, they'd rather ask a) why nobody speaks English, and b) why everyone here hates them. Well, shit, dumbass, they hate you because LOOK AT YOU.
Do they look at you with those infuriatingly condescending Gallic eyes that say, oh, look the Canadian is speaking our language. He thinks he's like us; isn't he just the cutest thing?
Don't care, I'm raving here. My vacation life has been shitty. My only real vacation was my trip at NOLA for NYE 2011/2012. I just I lucked the fuck out. Best friend invited me to Las Vegas for 4 days, free flight on a private jet and free stay at The Palms - Penthouse B. Due to the fact his futurestepmom is wealthy (not rich, wealthy) I will probably not pay for anything except for trinkets and strippers. Maybe not even strippers, but high class prostitutes to watch have sex with each other. All I know is that I can't fucking wait.
Seven months? Seven whole months since you've had a vacation? I get to work at 8 instead of 7 and call it a vacation. Cry me a river.
It's entertaining to look at this photo and realize the impracticality of this outfit . . . and then realize that you don't care. Also, the Boobie thread has had a few recent updates - I see great things coming for TiB this weekend.
Also, how easy is this?! I mean, unless you "don't have no beer," in which case, there's always tequila.