Fuck you, that's a GI tube that is 1 way only. Hopefully. My little premature niece had one for ever, and still has one. No jokes mister.
Welp, when you spend 40 hours of your week talking with your coworkers about blowjobs and anal sex, the things you talk about while off the clock are weird. It wasn't an orgy, even though it was 11 girls and 1 guy. The closest it came was one of the girls was hot and kept trying to fan herself by flipping the skirt of her dress, except that she was pulling her dress up to her shoulders so she just kept dressing and undressing, more or less. I'm very sorry for having failed you all.
If you guys used Skype or some video feature for your calls, I would watch the reality tv version of that shit like I thought the tv was going to rot. I want that show to be made more than I want to see Gay Divorce Court on Bravo.
Just a general point of order for the board. I think it sucks that I can only rep a lovely post in the boobie thread once. End rant.
You know I try to make the kids things out of boxes. Especially for breakfast. But God Damn if sometimes cereal is not the greatest thing ever. Besides I have sport I only care about every four years to watch.
So I missed a G+ Hangout? Fuck. Now I'm more depressed than watching Team GB get fucked in the cycling road race. I'm hoping there might be another one later? Oh, and the Canada women's soccer team was beating South Africa 2-0. I hope S.A. loses - this team gets so much press and yet they're consistently second-rate. Was I the only one who liked the opening ceremony that London put on? They'd said years ago their budget would be like 20% of Beijing's, so the quality of the show would never match Beijing's. Kenneth Branagh was cool as shit though. I wish I had more alcohol though. Trying to watch things like gymnastics is sad without booze - especially when one of the competitors falls off the horse.
By "caught", did you mean "slammed shut with great force"? Seriously - that looks terribly painful. edit: pic. attached now.
Look, I do not enjoy drinking beer. I cannot acquire the taste. I can drink beer if that is the only option, but I cannot enjoy it. You could also drink V8 vegetable juice every morning, but you rather drink orange juice. I can force down stuff like Summer Shandy, Blue Moon, Hoegarden, and there are various blueberry infused beers I like. I just do not enjoy drinking beer, like I don't enjoy handjobs, but if its all I'm getting, fuck it. So in closing, gently and kindly, fuck all of you.
Why did I wake up at 5:45am...on a Saturday? Cuz of them damned birds, that's why. Seriously, I live in a populated city. Why are there chickens!?
Working all weekend...someone drunk type, post boobs, etc. I unfortunately cannot do these things on a GOV computer. 4 hours left mehhh
That is fucking grotesque. I would no doubt be punching some sheet rock and making some swears with a blow like that. Ye gods, man. In other news, FreeCorp should now write a book about dating. Maybe we can call it How To Fuck Up Without Instigating Anything. BA HA AH AHA HAH AHAH AH sorry dude but that was some funny shit. You must have rolled your eyes about twenty times while telling it. Congrats you banged a girl with frosted flakes inside her head.
Jesus... Yall got me drunk last night. I sleep until 9. I haven't done that since college. Life tip- if you have a hangover, go do yard work. It sucks at first, but breaking that sweat helps a ton. Now I'm just drunk again. That ain't how this is supposed to work...
Life tip 2-- if you're planning on getting soused on the balcony, LEAVE THE SLIDING GLASS DOOR OPEN. You might walk into it trying to get inside later.
Pretty sure from this height I'd just be a big ol sack of dead meat on the pavement below. Who knows, though. You always hear crazy stories about drunk people surviving stupid accidents.
Oooo! Ooooo! I'm one of 'em! That reminds me... Did my wife tell yall why she pushed me off that balcony? I can't remember.