Sunscreen? As you step outside you'll both reach for your SPF 50 at the same time... Awww! Anyway, I'm about to go watch the Canucks play Chicago to start round 2 of the playoffs. The game starts at 5 and I don't have to work until Tuesday... it's the perfect storm of drunkenness!
The men here will totally appreciate this: The fire is going! How much do women like a good camp fire? Jenn you in the GTA? Yes I'm good and drunk. Steaks go on the open fire in about 20 minutes, possibly pictures to follow..
Apparently I drank ALL the wine yesterday. Now I have no wine to drink today. Sooo sad. Sooo hungover.
I think I had a pretty productive Saturday. I was up at 4:30am and in the bush at 5:30. At about 7:00 I had a turkey wander into my decoy set. Needless to say I was excited. I got my shotgun shouldered and it didnt see that, my back stop was safe, all to do now was make sure it was legal to shoot. My heart SANK when I didnt see a beard. Ten minutes later a flock of geese landed and scared that hen away. That was the end of my hunting day. After that I went to Barrie to buy a new truck. It'll be ready to be picked up on Thursday. I got back home at 4:00pm and my dad wanted to go fishing for a bit. I caught 3 Browns and he caught a Rainbow. Im deep frying those bitches up right now with some homemade beer batter with freshcut fries, and Im happy to say Im on Rye number four right now. For the rest of the night I think Im going to watch Fubar and keep drinking.
Well don't go anywhere with bright lights. It might burn his fair skin. I imagine you should bring him a blanket in case he gets cold, like a froufrou dog. I'm assuming he's allergic to gluten too along with all of his other deficiencies. Compliment him on his freckles, they really bring out the... freckles. Lastly, wear a string of garlic around your neck, and take him nowhere near a mirror as gingers don't cast reflections. If for some reason you're feeling particularly bad about yourself and you have sex with him, for the love of God don't look him directly in the eye. They can cast spells. Strange how gingers share so many traits with vampires.
Jesus Christ, they're infiltrating. Quick, hide the chillrens and women folk. It's also funny if you were a chick your inbox would be filled with solicitations. It's a cruel, red double standard.
Why? What're you afraid he's going to do? Complain us to death? Who thinks I should drink again tonight? Are you fartheads going to be around tonight or should I keep Trivial Pursuit out?
You sure fire crotch ain't crabs? Phthirus pubis. You can get them on your eyebrows and eyelashes didn't you know. And how the hell does a pubic hair colour end up on your dick checklist? I think that's cheating. Also, I wouldn't mind filling up your inbox, if you know what I mean.
Homemade mint juleps are so incredible. Crushed ice is the way to go. In other news, firmly on my way towards a drunken night. Watching baseball and grilling. Good combo.
I haven't been drunk in a while. Between the end of the year with finals, travel arrangements and moving back home for the summer I've been way to busy. But I just poured myself a bacardi and off brand grocery store cola. This will be the first night I'll be drunk in a while. I'll be drinking alone in the dark in my parent's house. I'm cool.
I am drinking wine and just took an Ambien, followed by Benadryl chaser due to allergies. So I should either be the life of the party or passed out on my keyboard in about 30-45 minutes. To follow up on my earlier post, no good live music tonight as exptected. BUT Pearl Jam will be here Monday, I heard they are pretty awesome live, but I don't know if I should go or not. Tuesdays are pretty busy at work. Anybody seen them?
I woke up at 8pm on tonight (saturday) so have stayed in all night. It's now 5am Sunday morning. To fix my sleeping pattern I'm going to stay up all day, watch the afternoon football (Come on Liverpool and United to Win) have some beers, hopefully stay awake and get to bed at 10pm ish. Bored now though. Not even had a beer, it'd make me tired I reckon.
It's my dick checklist and I'll put whatever the fuck I want on it. And I decided to ditch the ging tonight because I can be, well, a dick. I think I'm picking up what you're putting down... just no spam, please.