Given your avatar Im inclined to say owning private zoos with large cats. That docuseries is about what I expected for people that owned big cats.
Sports figures, rappers, and all time drug lords is one thing. The people inhabiting that sub genre of rural methbillies is quite another.
"Extreme" anything. Sports, daredevil activities, even eating. When I first acquired a taste for hot foods, I kept trying hotter and hotter stuff. My (then) wife called me out on it, to which I replied: "What? You Mexicans eat hot stuff all the time!"* Her: "Yeah, but we're reasonable about it. White people have to take everything to the extreme!" *Fun fact: neither she, nor Jungle Julia like any food that is more than mildly spicy, and they're both Mexicans.
Wh.... why??? I get why kids hung out at the mall back in the day— there was the food court, the arcade, the stores you liked, and a variety of quick, easy-to-find exits when the shit goes down. Plus you weren’t constantly being watched by security. I don’t get meeting up and hanging out inside a gigantic corner store. What is the “cool” section of that store, precisely? The DVD bins or the Halloween candy?
Corn mazes fall into this category as well. The Mrsanthropic and I went to one of the local farms today to stand in line for apple cider and decorative gourds. Of course around here every activity is a weird white person thing. This area is about as diverse as a Fortune 500 boardroom.
Private ownership of large cats is almost an Arab oil-wealth stereotype. White people are just occasional dabblers in the big cat game.
Knew a girl in college who was from Saudi Arabia, she said her parents owned a few tigers like it was no big deal, said it like someone would show you a picture of their cat or something. We could never figure out what they did for money, but they had enough of it to make North American rich people look poor. Also, Range Rovers and Land Rovers are a shady rich middle east person thing.
I dunno if this is exclusively white people, but obnoxious trucks that serve no purpose. I think it's more of a Southern thing, and GODS BE DAMNED these things are expensive. One of my colleagues said a Ford F-what the fuck ever platinum edition was over $100k in Texas. For shiggles, the first ever mid-engine Corvette is $58k brand new. If it's a penis thing (I think it is), that makes....weird sense. If it's not, I am flabbergasted. I went to a gym in Louisiana, and the parking lot was filled with Bud Light versions of monster trucks, with lift kits, loud exhaust and enormous tires. I have no idea why, or what these guys do with them.
Sometimes cars are used to get the hot chick. Sometimes it’s because people really, really, REALLY love cars. I know a guy who lived in an efficiency apartment so he could own a 2003 corvette. He also had to work overtime on weekends for a straight year to afford such a ride. But he loves the car. Still does. But goddamn man, I’ll take my Malibu over living in a glorified refrigerator box.
I assumed we meant the continental United States otherwise yeah we’ll find brown people in the Middle East and Africa that own big cats or show quarter horses. Durr.
It's the redneck version of "stuntin". Showing off in a $65 ‐ $100k truck that very rarely sees a dirt road, much less the amount of off road terrain or mud it was built for, being driven by kids that grew up in the country and may have ridden a horse but know nothing about being a cowboy or farm life. These individuals normally have a trailer somewhere on a part of family property that was gifted to them, but the trailer is "temporary" until they build their 4000 sq. ft. "dream home" ... which of course never happens because they have 4 kids and a divorce by their late 20s.