What did Clint Eastwood say about doing douchey things to great cars? “Anybody who does that to a beautiful ride ought to have their ass removed.” I saw a Mustang few days ago. The owner removed the spoiler and screwed in a ridiculously tall1970 Roadrunner-style spoiler that was metal with holes in it. It RUINED THE CAR. There is no excuse for that shit. Like people who remove their mufflers or put noise-enhancers in their car. Fuck. You.
I dunno. You could also let people do things they find aesthetically pleasing? I don't like it when people put stickers all of their laptops, so I don't do it to mine. I enjoy the stock look and design of most things really. Besides, old camaros suck.
your money, your property, your choice. As long as it's not hurting me then I have no reason to hurt you over it. That being said, if it's also dumber than hell, I have the right to mock it for being suck.
I have a perfect one: Did anybody in here have a teacher (usually in science) who would ride one of those goofy, overly complex sit-down bicycles to work? I saw one today that looked a Rube Goldberg machine. The neckbeard riding it was struggling to keep it balanced, because it had idiotic handlebars next to the seat. By no means did it look safe, efficient, relaxing, fun or necessary. But hey... look at me. This is weird white people shit if there ever was it.
Yes, these lame, lame, LAME things: ...but I’ve seen other jury rigged ones with many more sprockets, chain, and bar racking.
I know quite a few people that ride recumbent bikes and a few are minorities. In general, recumbents are more relaxing to ride than an upright. Most people I know who ride them do so due to back, shoulder, neck, arm, or hand pain which is why most of the people you see on them are older. They're more difficult to pedal uphill because you can't stand up on the pedals, but otherwise typically faster and much more energy efficient over upright bikes due to the aerodynamics. You can haul a ton of supplies on them and recumbants are popular for cross continent rides. They're no more complex than an upright bike, they use the same components any other bike uses, they just have longer chain drives and may or may not have dissimilar sized wheel sets. You balance is different on a recumbent, so there is a bit of a learning curve when someone starts riding one. Just like any bike, the longer the wheelbase, the more stable it is, but the greater the turning radius. Also, 'bent's with with under seat steering (what I'm assuming you saw) are easier to steer and more stable because your hands are in a more natural position and it has a much lower center of gravity. For Gee whizz info, the current ultra distance record holder Amanda Coker used a recumbent to set her current record. She would swap between a road bike, a triathlon bike and a recumbent due to the different muscles each style of bike uses