Your values are wrong! And...that's a kink I don't have! Probably! Maybe....Aw, fuck. Yeah, I'd watch it.
Think the girl is starting to wane on this new career. Her output has gone to one-ish pic/video a week. No hustle. Content, uninspired. Don’t think she has what it takes to make it in this business. I have heard the people that get deep enough in it there are services that farm out some of the work load. Handling private messages from subscribers and promotional work. Leaving the girls to just submit content. Don’t know my girl’s subscription numbers but she did a poll to see what types of pics she should post next and 15 people voted. Mommy taking over the world.
All of economics is just the 1849 gold rush repeating on an endless loop. Early movers get rich, masses follow and get a pittance, the real money goes to the people who sold the supporting infrastructure. Tale as old as time.
My month ran out last night. Her last few shots weren’t even nude or done sexy enough to warrant non nudes. Unsubscribe. You want dudes to pay more than Disney + a month it better be worth it. My brother, whose high school friend this is, was disappointed there wasn’t a single shot of her butthole. “Maybe it’s the online joke about it. Not even saying she needed to ram anything large up there. Just a shot would be nice. Had enough graphic ones of her pussy.” Back to hoping I get a text from my friends with the, “you’ll never believe who has an only fans!”