I don't wear flip flops in public, but old gym shorts and flip flops is standard weekend wear around the house for me in summer months. Cutoff t-shirts too. It's comfortable. Shoot me.
Chicago gets hot as hell during the summer. Humid as fuck. I never wear shorts, or flipflops, my feet are never hot. And there my friend is where they should stay. What you do in the privacy of your home is none of my goddamn business. What you bring out into the light and assault my eyes with is a different topic.
I don't have shorts that look like those yellow things Crown posted, but not a single pair of my shorts* reaches my knees while standing. I also unashamedly wear flip flops in the middle of summer, but I can kind of understand the flip flop hate since some people have nasty feet that ought to be locked away. That reminds me, I have a new pet peeve: girls with smelly feet. What's up with that? I guarantee my feet sweat more than 95% of female feet, and when I take my shoes off it doesn't smell like someone rubbed my feet with moldy cheese. The worst part is, the most recent offenders have been friends' girlfriends. I am bold enough to tell a girl I am dating if her feet stink, but how do you politely suggest a friend's girlfriend put her shoes back on because her shit reeks without getting on her shit list? *Edit - that's sort of a lie. I have a swimsuit of that length. I happen to think I look good in it, but I must have nicer legs than all you capri fans.
Men can rock shorts, as long as they are not John Stockton 1980s shorts. I do not own a pair of shorts that is not 1) baggy/loose fitted and 2) long enough to go all the way to my knees. As for flip flops: I hate flip flops. There are only two times I wear flip flops: In the shower at the gym (individual showers, bitches, no communal shit at my gym) because who knows what other people have growing on their feet, or at the beach. Other than that, I MUST have some sort of shoes. You never know when you may need to run quickly for something (I have a dog and two kids, sometimes you have to be able to move very, very quickly to keep a family member safe) and flip flops are unacceptable for that.
Shorts should be at or above mid knee while standing. Nothing with cargo pockets. Flip flops are acceptable in summer, if you have to run/drive/etc. then you take the damn things off.
I admit to loving flip-flops/sandals. I don't wear shoes in the summer unless I go to a bar, concert or it is required by law. I usually look like a beach bum in the summer but I don't drive a Tracker and I work more than nine hours a week. As per shorts. Look, a little above the knee is okay. However, that's not talking that photo in my post. That is straight up faggotry. I have no clue why a guy would go out looking like a camp counsellor from 1978. May as well pull tube socks up to your knees and go full retard.
I could understand the distaste for flip-flops before I moved to Florida. Now that I live here, I have several pairs of flop-flops.....I even have classy flop-flops, almost "dressy". That's just how it is here; I would hate to have to put on shoes for something as simple as checking the mail in February.
Flip flops are awesome. So much less work. I'm pretty certain nobody has 'attractive' feet. That's why they're near the ground. I'm pretty pumped because I found a torrent client for my phone. I was in traffic and started a download of a big chunk of mandarin lessons. Then I realized it was 1GB. Then I remembered Verizon is assholes, deliberately and maliciously tries to force me to use wifi, will be revoking my 'grandfathered-forever' unlimited data plan, and rejoiced as I got 1Gb of data over their network. Seriously. They removed all the wifi toggles so you're manipulated into keeping it on. Assholes.
Let's not fight. Have a drink instead. Shorts theme still valid, including fashion model mesmerized by the gin gut.
Cargo pockets come in handy. I do a lot of fishing from the bank and they allow me to put 2 beers, plus a ziploc bag of ice, in each cargo pocket. Gotta keep hydrated.
Uh? Shorts are out? Whenever the summer comes I move around as close to naked as legally possible. Shorts, no T-shirt if I'm on a bike or doing sports, barefoot, flip flops or super light shoes whenever I can. I even work in shorts every day. You people are weird.
You seriously wear that stuff out in public? Unless I'm at the beach or the pool, when I'm in public, I'm wearing pants and steel toed boots. And it's 90+ degrees for 10 months out of the year down here. I don't know how guys can do that, I surely don't. I guess you could say I feel "unprotected" without my pants and boots.
Does your town consist entirely of unfinished construction sites with drunk natives working above you? Why would you wear pain-in-the-ass heavy boots in such a hot climate? Enough people ALREADY wear hilarious-looking boots in Texas. Jeans in that heat? Who exactly is the freak here?
Cargo pockets are super handy. You can fit a large whisky flask in each, and you read my mind about the beers. That's how we sneak an extra couple of on the golf course.
I'm very curious how you all would react to the levels of shorts in my town. I wear shorts and flops roughly 70% of the year if the weather is right. As do most everyone around hear (styles obviously differ). Do you city folk not have shorts that are able to be functional in outdoor activity as well as being good enough to wear to a bar? You guys also have to shut cities down for weeks when there's a bad storm? My hair got wet this month coming back from lunch, that is the worst weather related incident to happen to me in the past year. Please stay up there.