Women carry too much shit. Alas, I am guilty. - 4 tampons. Always 4. - 4 lipglosses, two coral, one red, one pink. - cellphone. - ipod. - camera. When we go out? - ID. - credit card. - $20 cash. - one lip gloss. Usually drugstore cheapie so if I lose it I don't get super duper pissed.
The knife, $20, cellphone, student ID, drivers license,keys, and debit card. The whole daily carry movement is great and all, but I hate cargo pants.
Contents of my messenger bag: Advil Visine Immodium AD caplets Alka-Seltzer Plus cold medicine Hall's cough drops Travel pack of Huggies Wipes (if you saw the poor excuse for TP in the restrooms on campus, you'd see why) Hand sanitizer Foam earplugs iPod & earbuds Bic lighter (spare) Swiss Army knife Pen, mechanical pencil, highlighter 3x5 notecards 2 thumb drives Ethernet cable Digital audio recorder Smartphone Packets of Splenda Lanyard Reading glasses in case with cleaning cloth Sunglasses Leather folio Book & binder for whatever class I have that day Sometimes, my MacBook Pro Items in truck: 22" aluminum softball bat First-aid kit Emergency roadside kit (cables, flares, Fix-A-Flat, etc.) Mini MagLight Leatherman Assorted bungie cords GPS Pen & notecards Various chargers Advil Huggies Wipes Hand sanitizer Spare sunglasses 1 rag Pocket-size copies of AA literature
My father once told me that a real man never leaves the house without at least $5 cash money and a handkerchief in his pocket. Anything over and above that is gravy. I have been collecting knives for about a year now and still don't understand the necessity to carry 2 or 3 on one's person at the same time. I have learned that people can get ridiculous with their "EDC" setups. I have also learned that if you take anything out of your pocket other than a red SAK, people think you're insane. There should be a happy medium there somewhere. I have also learned that a helluva lot more people are carrying guns that I ever thought possible.
I carry one thing every day that has proven to be endlessly useful. Planning for what your day's activities will be is an amazing thing. If I'm going fishing, i'll actually bring . . .A FISHING ROD. If I'm playing golf, I may actually drag along . . . .GOLF CLUBS. I have never, ever, in 40+ years on this earth, found myself in a situation where I needed several folding knives and miniature flashlights sticking out of my ass, and didn't have them. These people are complete and utter assholes.
I don't need to carry a lot of crap. Like MacGyver, I can come up with self-defense items, explosives, and the like from shit just lying around.
I can't believe knives are such a popular carry item. Concealed knives are considered a deadly weapon here and you can't carry 'em.
When going to work: 2 Valve core removers (Some asshat always steals one.) Tread depth gauge Flashlight Pen Sharpie Thin bladed knife that I stole from work Cell phone When going anywhere other than work: Cell phone Wallet Book
My list: Wallet Phone Keys Smokes/Lighter Ipod (because even 5 minutes of the radio on the drive to work is unbearable to me)
I used to carry a Leatherman until I realized that life is easier when people don't think you're a psychopath. Now I open packaging with my teeth, like some kind of shit-chucking ape. Get laid more though. Fair trade. I'd think carrying a lot of these loadouts would be pretty uncomfortable if you tried to fit them all in your pants. I figure some of these guys must go in for some kind of chest holster arrangement.
Keys, Cards (debit, credit, license, insurance, student ID), Phone. I'm a man of simple means. That and my phone does fucking everything.
Must be an SEC thing... Granted, I was working at the bar five days out of a week for four plus years, it was still handy more often than it was a nuisance, which was never. Slipped it over my wallet, and boom...good to go. A good koozie is like a vagina. It's always there waiting for you, it's not realized it's potential until it's filled, its always snug, you never have to worry about it getting worn out, after awhile you feel like it's made specifically for what YOU put in it, and if you see someone trying to use it you'll fucking fight them. Stay the hell away from my koozie, cabrĂ³n. I wouldn't ever wear a messenger bag, or even fill my backpack with all that shit while walking on campus everyday, but I can't make fun of baby wipes. I mean, I can make fun of how black people LOOOOOVE talking about them in standup comedy sets, or how fun it is to say no when the person ringing them up asks if I have a kid, but goddamn....they're awesome. I totally get it. I never used them, minus when I was shitting in actual diapers, for twenty three years and I'm now a convert. Granted it took a major trauma/resulting surgery where I was required to use them to change my mind, but I don't think I'll ever go back.
Alt Focus: My key chain contains the following: -Keys -Folding knife -USB flash drive -Bottle opener So far the flash drive has proven the most useful.
Left pocket: Phone, keys (including an old Saab key that's just a keepsake), change (except for pennies), pen (two at the moment). Right pocket: Wallet, cash, pennies (none at the moment). Nothing goes into the rear pockets. Some people are just dedicated to being a pickpocket's best friend.
I hate having shit in my pockets. My key chain is a single ring with 5 keys on it. I have an older phone because it's small. Carrying around a giant Iphone with the pretty much required case would annoy the hell out of me. My wallet is really thin, probably 3/8" thick while folded and just carries the bare minimums[and never enough money, it seems]. If I'm going out, all I'll add to this is some eye drops since it's really the only time I'll wear my contacts.
I too hate having shit in my front pockets, so my keys are on a carabiner that attaches to my belt loop. The shitty part is I have to carry around about 19 keys so I tuck them into my back pocket to keep the gingling from driving me crazy. Other then my keys, I keep my wallet in the back right pocket, blackberry in the back left pocket (or in my coat pocket when applicable) and one of these: hanging in my front pocket. These are the best knives invented when it comes to utility blades. I perfer them because you never have to sharpen your knife, you just replace the old blade. I probably use my knife about 100 times a day for work and home.