True, some have things like heart problems and as you mentioned, but then there's the ones you can just TELL are too lazy to walk an extra 100 yards. They hop out of their Benz with a spring in their step at the Sushi bar, looking around abruptly to make sure no one is going to hassle the then to top it off when they get back you get to see them inspecting their "baby" for scratches when they get back. THOSE fucks deserve punishment: Cut a hole in their soft top and spray turkey vulture pheromones inside. Tow it out into a rural area and let the orgy begin!
I cannot agree with this enough. Especially when you see ghetto ass people littering and there is a garbage can 5 feet away from them. The punishment should be having their hands burnt with a cattleprod so they can't carry anything to litter. Fuck these people. How fucking retarded are you to litter when there is a garbage can 5 feet away?
Rather than nitpick, I'll just sum everything up into the phrase "people who lack enough social awareness to realise they're inconveniencing someone, especially when that inconvenience costs them an identified right or privilege". In other words, pretty much everything already posted. As for punishment? Bring back the stocks for minor infractions. Repeated or more major transgressions? Public flogging. Pain and embarrassment may be suitable motivators because, apparently, reason and consideration have failed.
There was a bit of a serious movement here in Vancouver to bring back public stocks for those people who were rioting. You know, the ones who still haven't been charged because they're still investigating. There's talk that the statute of limitations will pass before charges will be laid. People are not happy. 24 hours in the stocks would solve that quite nicely, I'd say.
Even worse than this are bars where I ask for a rum and coke and get charged $18, on the grounds that it's a Cuba Libre. Punishment: bar gets set on fire, and the fire department explains that they can't help because it's actually a signal beacon. People who slow roll the winning hand in poker while trashtalking to be dicks. A simple, fitting punishment; your cards get mucked. I actually do this at my home poker game, because I can.
Internet tough guys. Punishment? They would be forced to walk through each of these: a) clubs full of muscled guidos b) the hood, and c) varsity football practice And then their brains would be so controlled that they say out loud, with conviction, their posts and comments.
Just hook a huge speaker around their necks and put it on repeat. "Fuck you bitch, I'll beat the shit outta your mother." The Internet tough guy can then posture and see how long he can stay like that before someone shoves a tire iron up his ass.