My entire life has been crashing down all around me for the past 2-3 months, and therefore I have been taking an absurd amount of joy in being in the correct minority of having always seen it as black and blue. I've heard a lot of talk about the differences in perceptions of colors and what not, but the interesting pattern to me was that people were split between seeing dark colors as muted, or light colors in shadow. I was starting to see it as a glass half empty or full type of thing - that people were so adamant in insisting that the reality was that the dress was either lighter or darker than it appeared to be. (Although I'm sure the overly romanticized view of it is due to the whole "entire life crashing down all around me" thing.) But, yeah, that entire thing was blowing my mind. And, crazily enough, I still had enough room in there to simultaneously care about politics.
My perception of the dress matches the color it was originally assigned. I am cis-dress-opinionated, although I respect all viewpoints and color associations that anyone else might have. I'm currently working to understand why I see Tumblr pictures of dresses the way I see them, and although there's a lot of hard work ahead of me, at least it's a start, right? Okay, okay, I kid. I see blue and black. In the original picture, I saw it as blue and black with the contrast or whatever adjusted. Even in pictures where the colors and contrast are fucked with even more, I still see blue and black. The light background keeps me from being able to perceive it as a white dress that's in shadow. I have a feeling if it was against a darker background I might see it as white and gold. But I will say this - i'm currently in an airport and hearing annoying strangers discussing this fucking dress is making me hope that some weird, incredibly painful thing that could only be thought up by Crown will happen to some of my fellow travelers.
I saw blue and black, regardless of how it was presented. I really can't even fathom seeing it in other colors.
XKCD gets it right, as always: Now that this trivial matter has been settled, can we start discussing the real issue: was the dress-wearer wearing flats or heels? Done with a dress. I have to say that is a great XKCD
I'm debating on whether or not this is going to be my new signature. It's a quote from an article explaining the how and why people see it so differently. I just love the wording. “What’s happening here is your visual system is looking at this thing, and you’re trying to discount the chromatic bias of the daylight axis.” Here's the link to the article if anyone wants to read it.
Maybe, but since you're chromatically biased toward the gold side of the daylight axis that makes you racist against Asians. Sorry.
Well, fuck. The original link had me questioning the hypnotics ingested by anyone who saw white/gold; as hard as I tried, all I saw was blue/black. Every picture, every scroll, every time. And I'm usually pretty good with those "Jesus or a tree" optical illusions. Then I clicked on over to read about how I'm chromatically deficient, and the first thing I see is a white/gold dress. Scrolling up and down changes it to black/blue, and vice versa. I still have no idea why I wasted an entire episode of Californication trying to figure this out, but it's one more social media sensation I can add to the list of "Irrelevant Shit I Still Don't Care About". Back to soft-core porn while my daughter is still napping...
The fact that this dress exists in both white/gold and blue/black seems to me to be clear evidence that this was a viral marketing campaign. It is way too much of a coincidence.
I'm with you, I totally think this is a scheme to put their name on the map. There's no way all these pictures circulating are of the same color scheme. I see both, depending on which picture is posted.
I agree. I really don't think that half the world just stopped and realized we weren't seeing 4 major incorrectly or correctly. That's some crazy shit.
I'd agree with you guys except that The Husband, the boys, and I all got into fairly heated discussion about the color. The boys - maybe they'd be trolling about it because they're pranksters like that. The Husband? Where I see blue/black he sees white/gold. And he wouldn't prank about it. It's fucking weird, but it's a thing. That said - a couple of the pages I went to - initially I saw the white gold but that switched over and I saw the regular blue black after that. The human body is weird, man.
What I mean is, some photography expert might have taken the picture deliberately in such a way (like what the xkcd artist did) that it could confuse the eye into seeing one or the other, and then planted it into the fertile soil of the internet populace.
Fucking hell. The dress in question, the actual dress, as confirmed by the designer is Blue & Black. The picture of the two dresses was created in Photoshop to stir controversy. There is no white & gold version of that dress. And, I thought ghetto already settled this by reposting XCKD's explanatory cartoon. I've even added a split for you.
Oh, I didn't know the pic of the two girls was photoshopped. Never mind </emily litella> (thanks NatCH for the correction)