I don't even know if that's the real ending, it's just what everyone was assuming at the time. JJ Abrams isn't exactly known for sticking the landings on his "we'll create a mystery and then hope we can write our way out of it" stories.
I remember that. Seemed like he was one of those asshats who's never wrong about anything, no matter how many experts are telling him otherwise, and if he just argued that it's common sense never to fly into a hurricane, well, he's married to it...
he didn’t make the transition. Dude deigned to call out tucker max for paying him pennies and keeping the dollar, when he was the one creating the content. TM blew up, said basically I’m the one who gave you a platform and you were a nobody before me. I can understand how you’d get burnt out after that. Shrink Talk was my favorite to come of all that rudius media stuff. I don’t think he ever came out with a book, anyone know? He just stopped posting one day and disappeared.
I am disappointed that this thread didn't work in bringing some of the TiBettes back, so they could post in the Boobie thread.
Agreed on Shrink Talk, he was a good dude. We emailed a bit on some subject, I don't even recall what it was. I will throw Philalawyer out there as maybe my favorite of that bunch. He is gone gone, but I enjoyed his stuff.
His book was excellent. Far better than anything Tucker Max put out. His writing style was obviously heavily inspired by Burroughs, but it was an entertaining read.
Shrink Talk just seemed like a normal guy who was too good for the pettiness of RMMB and all that crap. I credit him for normalizing therapy in my head before I met my now-wife, who really needed it at the time and his influence helped me with her BPD. I know a lot of people loves philalawyer but he wasn't for me. I don't like people who have a certain writing "style," it's like they try too hard with it. Just write normal. If you have something worthwhile to say, it'll come out.
Hey turds. I still drop in once in a while to see if everyone is still alive. Looks like it's turned into a bit of a sausage party in here.
I just saw a post started by Dcc001 and noticed that they haven’t posted since March 2022. Anyone know if they’re okay? Or maybe just out there living life?
I talked to her a week ago... she's doing well, we're going out for dinner sometime soon. Not sure why she's not posting here recently, didn't bother to ask... I get it, sometimes the place just gets boring and you drift away. Sometimes you even come back.