I don't like to post twice per page but... FROST HAMMAH!! This song reminds me what I like about metal.
Been listening to a shit ton of AIC lately: Fun Fact: The female voice in this song is Nancy Wilson of Heart.
I loves me some Joan Jett. I first heard this song on "Less Than Zero*," and tried in vain for years to find it. But now that I have the internet, it's easy! You can thank me later for these Crownroyal. Here's a couple of B-sides from our favorite band: *The scene where Julian (Robert Downey Jr.) is exploring his uncle's classic car collection, and then his uncle offers him some cocaine.
one of my favorite lines from a song some people tell me that i need help ... some people can fuck off and go to hell
Making Up A Changing MInd by Pretty Lights a little Denver hometown pride here, but these guys are blowing up, were at Bonnaroo and Ultra last year, Coachella this year. Nice eclectic feel of hip hop-indie-electronic synergized for an original feel and sound.
Forgot to mention you can get all of the Pretty Lights cds for free on their website. http://www.prettylightsmusic.com/
Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffett on CMT's Crossroads. I would have loved to see this live. http://www.cmt.com/videos/cmt-crossroads-jimmy-buffett-and-zac-brown-band/1634054/full-episode.jhtml