Heard this today on the local indie station. I don't often go for this type of music but this song just worked for me.
Someone went and metal'd up Britney Spears' Hold It Against Me. This is awful in the best way. Awesome.
On a grunge kick at the moment. Incidentally, fuck heroin. Scott Weiland is a lyrical and musical genius... when he doesn't have a fucking needle in his arm. Ditto for Courtney Love. Between Kurt and Scott, I'm fairly sure she managed to rape 90% of grunge's potential.
Karen O and Trent Reznor cover Zeppelin's Immigrant Song. Only 1:33 from a movie trailer, but it's still a great clip. I'm looking forward to hearing the full version.
These two tracks have been blasted every morning to make my morning routine seem epic. Even preparing oatmeal is a world saving undertaking.
<a class="postlink" href="http://grooveshark.com/#/s/You+Look+Good/3zX8Lq?src=5" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://grooveshark.com/#/s/You+Look+Good/3zX8Lq?src=5</a> I found this song catchy. Unfortunately it's not a Youtube video, but the link leads to the song on Grooveshark.
Can you believe this song is over two ecades old now? I still remember striking out to it's hanging chords like it was yesterday. Whatever. Still the sexiest song ever made.
I had to listen to this a few times before I caught the absolute morbidity of the lyrics. I don't know if it's the opening acoustic, the downtempo )I believe that's the term) violin, or the hopeful chorus, but this is one of my favorite Molly tunes.