Heres some demos from the new Gorillaz album that's coming out soon. I read somewhere that the demos sound nowhere as good as the finished songs and that they sound almost completely diffrent. So if your dissapointed don't fret.
Had these few on shuffle. Got to be one of my favorite covers ever. In a way Bruce kinda sounds like Tom sometimes. Stone Roses are never a wrong choice in any situation.
Maybe it's because I have been watching The Wire nonstop for the past few days, but this song is fucking amazing.
I was feeling really good this morning, so to enhance my overall happiness I listened to Jump With Joey.
Not particularly new and may get me called a fag, but Bat For Lashes Also, WALE dropped his album recently, and I feel the need to rep DC on this one. Go get it, ASAP.
Pimptress I see you your David Bowie and go you one further. Bowie and NIN, I was looking for a version of The man who sold the world that I have but couldn't find it so I give you Hurt instead.
Today has a nice calm to it as I am able to work on some files and no one is breathing down my neck. A day like this calls for Van Morrison. "Sweet Thing" Live at the Hollywood Bowl
I found this song after watching an episode of the Boondocks. The one where Ganstalicious comes out. After I saw Gansta at the mansion I couldn't get this song out of my head. Now me and my brother and his friends are absoutely in love with it. It's so creamy it makes me want to melt with it. Rock N Roll Gangster (Ignore the boondocks is gay thing) Aalon has some more great stuff on youtube if you want more