The Wife and I watched "Just Go With It", the Adam Sandler-Jennifer Aniston movie the other night. There are some catchy fucking mash-ups in that movie... The Wife made me hunt them down online, and they get stuck in your head pretty easy:
This song helped me make a ten mile run epic. I feel so good and strong lately! A little violent though, hopefully that passes...
I totally missed the party with these guys since they are no longer together, but I'm loving the hell out of them now.
I wish they made another album like Deloused in the Comatorium but sadly, they won't...everything after that just got too technical and overwhelmingly annoying.
Am I the only one that care's that Eminem and Royce's new album is fucking disgusting? Follow the links... This one's just fun...sick beats for all...
This is the best version I have EVER heard of this song, sung by the man himself. He plays guitar so good I want to break his fingers in envy.