Hadouken. Love it. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRhuaTFNBUQ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRhuaTFNBUQ</a>
There is even a midget bonus! And also this, I can not describe the feelings I have when I hear this song.
Anya Marina's cover of "whatever you like" by T.I. Ahhh....Men, by Say Anything. Max Bemis, the lead singer, is all sorts of fucked up, but I enjoy his music.
Dam-Funk. My favorite new record I copped in '09. Reminds me why I always loved DJ Quik. I like Grizzly Bear. But I LOVE them with Michael McDonald on vox.
Hilarious. In perhaps one of the greatest contradictions I've ever seen John Mayer rocks TWO collared shirts, each with the collar popped, and plays this: God damnit why can't he just do a shit load of drugs and destroy hotel rooms? I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable with this situation if I knew he was going to rail an eight ball of coke off the tits of six groupies while a midget bled to death in the hotel closet after this show. I'm just sayin....
Had this in my head all day and its great, off their last album. NO video but I tell you what Lemmy Kilmester still has it.
Pop Up Video perfection. Watch and then click the spoiler. Spoiler That's right motherfuckers, you've been Rickrolled. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love this shit.
One of my personal favorites. This footage is from Toronto, but there's a version out there somewhere of this song from the Isle of Wight off of the same tour, and it is even better than this one. Wish I could find it, so this one will have to do: And yeah, I'm in the mood.