No way dude, all you need to do is zoom and enhance. Zoom and enhance and you can see forever. Why the hell would anyone ever pay for a telescope, have none of these people seen CSI? I agree with what you're saying but must make a point. If you are attempting to convince a friend to adopt a point of view that is polar opposite to their own you are wasting your time one hundred percent. A person's views, whether well thought out or not, whether based on good logic or not, are in most cases unmovable by anyone other than themselves and in fact confrontation often causes defensive entrenchment which makes them impervious to any argument you throw at them, which is why argument rarely works to change another's belief. However, this is also why the point of an argument is not actually to change your opponent's belief. The point of an argument is in fact to sway the audience to your side through charisma, logic, and reason. For the most part this is strongest for people who either have not considered the question or who haven't invested much thought into the matter, but even those who have considered it and are of your opponent's view will be more willing to consider your points if they are not the ones under direct attack which gives you a small amount of leeway to penetrate and cause them to consider your side at least a little more than the one you are directly confronting, even if they still wind up disagreeing. Of course being passive is easier than being active, but is it better? In this case I agree that it is. Their problems are not your problems, so why make them so? But what if your friend's problem was that they were suicidal? Then your answer might change. Focus: Things I've learned this year. It doesn't matter how hard you work, how hard you push, how hard you want and strive to achieve if you're pushing in the wrong direction. Raw effort without tactical consideration is wasted. Learn as much as you can about as many different things as you can, you will be surprised how the interconnectedness of the universe makes all things relevant to the understanding of everything else. No one thinks nearly as much about you as you think they think about you, they're too busy thinking about what you think about them to think about you. Be the last to leave the party, you get shittons of free food. The act of playing is amazing and can allow people to connect, have fun, drop their social barriers, and ultimately want to be with you. Also a girl loves a guy who busts out a random tango with her even at the library, plays, and just generally has fun, and so do all the other girls who see that from behind their textbooks.
"You may or may not be able to change the cards in your hands, but you can always burn the deck for insurance money. You know, if you make it look like an electrical thing." -My Ass