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What the fuck is a Snookie?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fernanthonies, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Fracas

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Arizona Bay
    I've managed to duck reality TV for the most part, but I don't think those people's biggest fans like or respect them much, either. The key to reality stardom seems to be creating an animus in the public so it will be happy to watch you suffer and fail. Think of any "good guys" you can from the genre, and compare their Q ratings to those of punching bags like Snooki and Paris Hilton. Bad times reward awful people.

    It's hardly a new thing, but I think it's newly extreme: characters like Archie Bunker and George Constanza were at least remotely sympathetic, and, at any rate, not "real" people who were really being humilated in public.

    Focus: Television and new movies in general. I saw Inception as an excuse to hang out with out-of-town friends I rarely see, but that was an exception; I can't think of any other major Hollywood productions I caught in theaters last year. And I rarely watch television unless I'm at someone else's house - even shows I like (and there are more than a few), I'm way, way behind on.

    It's not that I don't give a shit. I'm just in output mode. I'm working on a lot of projects, and I'd rather kill my down time doing something that, at least in theory, demands some kind of engagement and gets my wheels turning (e.g. TIB). I dislike extreme fandom in anyone over 15, but that's a completely different story.

    For a few months last year, I had a job promoting stuff on Digg, and it took me awhile to find my way around that extremely pop-nerd-saturated underworld. As soon as I quit, I stopped thinking about Joss Whedon and Olivia Munn, probably forever.

    Anti-Focus: I'm better versed in internet in-jokes (a/k/a "memes") than I'd like to be, thanks mostly to this site. It explained a lot of the stuff I'd seen pop up on certain forums, and I keep going back for the weirdness.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    And the most messed-up quote of the week goes to....

    She looks like a rotten apple that was blown out of the ass-end of a pig. Any man that would find her attractive must be a sick son of a bitch or have the perception of a near-sighted mole.


    Online gaming. I tried watching a friend play World of Warcraft and found it excrutiating. That reason is because I had to listen to the other people who were playing with him in his so-called "guild", who obviously have not left their parents' basement since they were manning their turn in line for Revenge of the Sith tickets.

    Don't get me wrong, video games are fun even though I'm not too big on them, but this shit I just can't figure out. People throw away their entire lives on this game.
  3. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Any music playing on the radio, I have no idea who the artist is. I always just assume it's Nickelback. I've seen pictures, so I know who Justin Bieber and Katy Perry are, but I've not knowingly ever heard one of their "songs".
    Also, there are apparently Real Housewives of ______ (read: golddigging attention whores of _____) "reality TV" shows all over the place. What purpose they serve, I have no clue. The only reality television I watch is pro baseball.
  4. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    For however many years it was on, I had never watched "Lost." I knew it was about a plane crash, but other than that, I have no idea what went on on that show or who any of the characters are.
  5. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    This. I have NO idea what that series was about and got so sick of hearing anything about it I'm permanently disinterested.

    Most of the music on public radio? Yeah. I have no idea who it is or what it's about. I listen to sports radio, the Rangers games, or my iPod pretty much always. On my iPod? Texas country, generally. If my kids like a particular song and I don't find it 100% annoying, I'll play it from time to time.

    I'm fairly okay being clueless about Justin Beiber and whoever the hell else is 'famous' right now.
  6. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Kim Kardashian is another one I know nothing about. I attribute my blissful ignorance to the fact that I haven't watched hardly any tv in a couple months.

    Alt-focus: The Internet and it's Memes, though, like someone else said, is a bit of a weakness of mine. Especially video game/nerd related stuff. I think I may spend too much time on the Internet.
  7. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I haven't watched television since I was 17, almost 7 years ago, so luckily, there is a lot of stuff I have missed.

    Until 6 months ago, I had never even heard that name before, or that it apparently belonged to some kid whose balls hadn't dropped. Then, some friends brought him up in a conversation, and after I asked "Wait, why are you all suddenly talking about a fucking beaver?", started explaining who he was.

    I still feel like smacking them for destroying my blissful ignorance.

    I have also never heard any music by Ke$ha, and have only seen her pictures because there was a topic on this forum about her being jizzed on. I would never have heard of anything by Lady Gaga either, except that my fucking gym played several of her tracks. I would be more angry, but I go there for free.

    In fact, I haven't heard a single top 40 hit made during the last 5 years except when I go to a bar, club, or gym.

    Despite how many movies I watch, and their diversity, I have never watched many popular blockbusters, and don't intend to ever do so. "Transformers 1 and 2", "Twilight 1-3", "2012", "Ironman 1 and 2", "Avatar", almost every film made by Pixar, etc. I'm not 8 years old anymore, and even for pure entertainment, I need something a little more than pretty flashing images.

    Movies in general, as well as a lot of "nerd culture" stuff thanks to this site, among others.
  8. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Focus: Even though Ive always been into video games I have no clue about these MMORPGs. I almost got FVII when I went to get Metal Gear Solid when it first came out, everyone raved about FVII and I seriously debated it at the store. I chose wisely. I later tried tried playing FFVII at a friends house, I found it way too fucking tedious for my ADD brain. I know the feeling of playing an online game around the clock but fuck some of these WoW craft people make it their entire life. Quake III Arena just wasnt that deep!

    Alt focus:

    I make no excuses for my love of shitty VH1 reality series. I watch a wide range of television programming that includes some of the highest acclaimed series. It entertains me. That's all I need.

    Ive had Lady Gaga songs stuck in my head more times than Im willing to admit. They blare that shit in every club here.

    edit: Shit that's one thing I have never fucking gotten. Clubs. Never got what the appeal was when it was way to fucking loud to communicate with the girls you were there to try and fuck. Never mind the reasoning behind paying outrageous sums for tables and liquor.
  9. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Timely thread. I just saw Matt Lauer interview Snookie.

    I'd heard of her, because my wife watches that shit - in the bedroom, way the fuck away from me because I gave up on Network TV after the first season of Survivor.

    Beiber? Yeah, not a clue. Katy Perry? Not a clue. Everytime a pop culture icon name comes up I look at my wife (and I don't have to utter a word) and she starts with "oh, a singer." The blank look on my face prompts more - "Uh, did that song about the thing." My clueless look prompts more clues. "Uh, she dated the guy that dated that chick that starred with that guy in that movie you watched once."

    Me: "Oh, her. Ok."

    Alt Focus: I got nothing. I am blissfully ignorant and will continue to be so.
  10. cpt0

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 18, 2010
    You didn't miss much. from what i accidentally clicked on and the overviews i saw occasinally, it seems like the whole show was written by a random plot generator. It's the only explanation. Well ok, that, and the whole staff writer krewe ( aka, the hacks) being on a shitbunch of drugs.
  11. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Also The Godfather doesn't seem like a very good movie. Lots of talking in dark rooms, too many characters, lots of Italians I guess. Don't waste your time...check out the new season of Top Chef instead. Now there's some drama.
  12. cpt0

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 18, 2010
    How many times per season the survivors find another bunker? or (yet) another (unknown) faction ? or another voodoo magic phenomenon ? How many people end up being on this " isolated" island , especially when you start adding in spacetime anomalies? I'm sorry , you may be a fan, but the writing krewe on that show were just hacks man.
  13. Rick M

    Rick M
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    Village Idiot

    Jan 13, 2010
    Focus: Lost is a big one that I've never gotten. One of my roommates last year would have to be there every week to see the new episode as it aired, and he would go read on the internet about it afterwards.

    The bombshell was when he was trying to explain it to me and another buddy of mine, and mentioned that they actually weren't on the island anymore. We then claimed the show should be called "Found" since they were no longer lost. This continued through the rest of the year, much to his frustration.

    And of course, and obligatory repeat that things like Snookie, Lady Gaga, and Kim Kardashian should just never be mentioned.
  14. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Here is a partial list of movies I have never seen, in any form:

    The Godfather, Part I
    The Godfather, Part II
    The Godfather, Part III
    Stars Wars: A New Hope
    Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
    Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
    Citizen Kane
    The Princess Bride

    Here is a partial list of movies that I have seen, in theatres:

    Jersey Girl
    Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
    Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
    Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
    Fat Albert
    Get Rich or Die Trying
  15. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    I've never watched a single Star Wars movie. None of them. Yes, I've watched very short[like under 30 second] clips of them because they were part of something else but I've never sat down and actually watched one. Same goes with Harry Potter movies. I've never watched any of the Idol shows either, or any reality shows outside Ultimate Fighter and stuff on Discovery/History channel. From my mid-teens until about 20 or so I hadn't saw a movie in a theater.
  16. bukowskionice

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: Until earlier this afternoon while messing around on rottentomatoes, I couldn't name a single Megan Fox movie. I only knew that she was considered some sort of modern sex symbol, despite virtually missing those strange things that females call "curves." As much as Kim Kardashian is a talentless slut, at least she has a little something to grab on to (though I suppose I can't name anything she's done either [besides a couple black dudes]).

    Alt-focus: The goddamn NBA. As a diehard Cavs fan, I've been forced to get my basketball fix through the rest of the league this year, which has led to obsessing over fantasy numbers to an extent that would make the cast of The League blush. Having streaming games on my laptop on the ottoman while normal games play on the TV nightly might be taking things a bit too far (though it has led to greatly increased beer consumption by everyone in my house--generally a good thing). In unrelated news, I'm still single, ladies.
  17. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Focus: I can sort of follow along with pop culture, but I am damn retarded when it comes to whatever's on the radio or the music charts. I get all my music by looking it up on the internet. I should watch more BET.

    I am also unblissfully ignorant of carnal knowledge.

    Alt-focus: Internet memes, video games (and not just the typical ones, but a bunch of indie games as well), and the like.
  18. rugbynonsense

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    Should still be lurking

    Jan 16, 2011

    If you have seen the matrix you have seen inception because its the same goddamn movie.
  19. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I am in the I've never seen a Lost episode camp. And while I have heard way to much Lil Wayne for my ears to ever fully recover, I'm not one of those people that can sing along to all of his songs. (Thank fucking god!)

    I've never seen an episode of Jersey Shore. (Go me)

    Another never heard a Bieber song.

    Alt Focus: I am however one of those people who is still pissed about the color of Harry Potters eyes in the movies. (All I'm saying is Rowling goes out of her way EVERY BOOK to talk about his green eyes, and yet they gave him blue contacts!) I have read every book at least 10 times, and went to midnight releases for the last 3 books.

    I also watched every episode of Heroes hoping it would eventually get back to it's first season awesomeness.
  20. 8Track

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 20, 2010
    This may not be totally on topic, but it fits with the subject heading.

    I just saw the Jersey Shore shit show for the first and probably last time. That is insane! I cant believe people get sucked into this shit, anyway, I digress. I bet that snookie chick gives a MEAN blow job. I bet she spits on it and does the reverse continental double handy-wanky whilst going balls down deep. She looks like she learned how to suck dick due to Lack-o-nookie all through high school. I'd let her be a one night stand.