After tonight, I just had to change it to this picture of Evgeni Nabokov. I think it sums up the Canada-Russia game pretty well. It was this badass old truck though. Looks like maybe a '35 front grill, could be wrong though.
This is my current desktop. It's the Artillery Battery I was with on the outskirts of Baghdad in 2003, getting ready for a huge regimental fire mission. You wouldn't have wanted to be on the receiving end of that, trust me.
I slalom water-ski for about a month straight during the summer. Those aren't me, but they're great shots.
A temporary desktop background for now, until I can obtain (or trouble myself to complete an illustration of) a more preferable image of Mr. Toad.
I love photography and someone on this board linked this site years ago and it's been one of my favorites since, instead of posting some I'll just toss up the link since most of them have been my background at one point or another. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Mine has been this pic Mitch Hedberg since he died. I hope he's having fun and making people laugh up there. I miss his humor. RIP dude.
I've had this pic as my background for a few months; I think it's the only pic I've ever had as my background on this computer that didn't include a pair of tits.