Wait, do you think that that analogy I copied was saying that being a white straight male is automatically easy? Because he kind of goes on for a while to say exactly the opposite of that, so I'm pretty sure you misread it if that's what you took away from it.
At the risk of setting a record for most posts in one thread in a ten minute span, you can't "give up" privilege. It's not an optional thing, because it is a matter of advantages bestowed upon you by others, not your own actions. Whether or not you take advantage of your privilege is a separate concern from whether it exists. For example, I have the privilege of volunteering for front-line military duty, but I have no interest in getting shot at, so I don't exercise this particular privilege that comes with my gender. As for why you'd work for a decrease in this privilege, because you're a decent person? That's like asking why a white man would let a woman vote or a black person own property. I imagine life would be easier if we were the only ones who could vote and we got to keep all the stuff.
Also, you don't have to give anything up to make life slightly easier for other people. Like, would your life be that much harder if you didn't make jokes that make light of rape? It takes literally no effort to do that, and that alone is a small way you can acknowledge and help.
Uhh, that seems like something that is in the eye of the beholder. For that matter, show of hands for how many people here consider it advantageous that they can be drafted against their will and sent to die in a war zone for a war they may or may not support. I told myself I wasn't going to post in this thread again too...
Considering there is no draft, there never has been a draft in my lifetime, and there is no reason to believe there will be a draft in my lifetime, I quite intentionally said volunteer. If you happen to live in Israel, Finland, Switzerland, South Korea, or another such country, I am perfectly willing to concede this point.
Well, I had to give up the 6 closest parking places at Home Depot so they could be marked Handicapped Only.
Let me make sure I have this right. - Societal Privilege is something that cannot be earned and cannot be given away - It cannot be ignored because if you're part of the privileged group, you're going to reap the benefits whether you want them or not - It generally applies to the majority - The more of the majority you belong to, the more you get in privilege - Race comes before socioeconomic standing - Race is responsible for socioeconomic standing, so those who may not have white privilege will have socioeconomic privilege and while their results in life may be similar to those who belong to the group with the most privileges (white people, particularly white males), the experience will be different and harder because of race and privilege - Poor white folks have it better than poor black folks, from the Appalachian mountains to the Mississippi Delta and over to the streets of LA; generally, and because of privilege. - Merit based rewards cannot be viewed as strictly merit-based because privilege overshadows work in too many instances. - Privilege can't be applied to individuals in very many instances because it's difficult to quantify privilege and people don't walk into buildings and say they're white so they deserve a job. However, privilege can be broadcast across an entire race, gender, or both. - Criticism coming from the super privileged cannot be taken seriously because of their inability to see outside of their worldview. However, the perception vs. reality argument doesn't work both ways because only those who don't have a privilege can see when others do have privilege Is this about correct? Am I missing something?
I'm seriously at a loss for how you can say that it would be a privilege for you to be in combat arms when you have absolutely desire to be in combat arms. Are you trying to get at that men have certain career opportunities that women don't have because I don't think anyone denies that.
I've got 99 problems, and they're all I'm-white-from-a-good-family-straight-with-a-white-color-job-from-a-good-part-of-town-problems. Like I can't rap or dance, but apparently still winning. So in the last 9 pages was there a consensus that girls that describe themselves as 'womyn' are actually 'bitches'? Or was the consensus that they're right and we're all sexist?
How is there this much confusion about "privilege"? My life isn't easy 100% of the time because I'm a white male, and there are plenty of women/black people/midgets who have better, easier lives than me, but that doesn't mean white/male privilege isn't a thing. I have a long history of coming up with shitty analogies, so here we go: One person has a brand new Camaro and another has a 20 year old Honda with 300,000 km on it. If they both have to complete the same 10 hour road trip, the Camaro has an advantage. Now, it's entirely possible, even probable, that they'll both arrive at the destination on time. The Honda may very well even beat the Camero. But overall, the Camaro driver will have an easier, more worry-free drive because there's really no reason for their car to break down. The driver of the Honda, on the other hand, realistically could have to deal with some problems along the way. Just because the Camaro might get a flat tire, or get hit by a drunk driver, or have a freak engine malfunction, doesn't take away from the fact that it has an overall advantage. Sorry for comparing women and minorities to shitty old cars. I told you my analogies weren't very good.
Yes, that is it. I have the opportunity, if I so chose, to serve on the front lines. This is an option that is unavailable to much (most?) of the population. Were I to change my mind tomorrow, I could enlist in such a capacity, whereas a woman cannot. Having more career opportunities is a pretty basic, bread-and-butter example of privilege, so I'm starting to wonder whether you just want to not get it. Mostly, yes. Slight modifications: (1) It's not really a matter of one set of privileges coming "before" another, it's that they compound. Comparative statements across privilege types (is it worse to be a black man, or a white woman? Rich black vs poor white?) are generally difficult and not really worthwhile. (2) You'll reap some benefits, not necessarily all. Not every form or application is relevant to everyone. (3) I wouldn't say that any statement about who has it better applies 100% all the time, more as a very strong rule of thumb. (4) It's unclear what you mean by "criticism from the super-privileged."
tl;dr Parker, in a white redneckey kind of way said "Hey y'all, watch this!" and posted 101 ways to emasculate yourself and go nowhere. Predictably, a couple of people attacked the author for being kind of an idiot and having a pedo mustache, but that sort of petered out pretty quickly, because even feminists thought the list was made by a pussy. Then it got interesting. Feminists started talking about privilege. Pinkcup got pretty fired up, then settled down and adhered to the modern feminist handbook. SKL made some comments about men being rapey because they walk on streets that got sort of weird and people weren't sure how to take it. Cult took a somewhat alternative approach to the whole thing and carried the flag for the silent majority. Then, in a turn of events that I wouldn't have predicted, Pinkcup got the vapors and went into destroy mode without providing much content aside from trying to belittle Cult for making some observations about gender. She gave him an F in internet. SKL came out of nowhere and wrote a very nice and succinct letter to Cult that made a lot of sense and encouraged those who were interested to research feminist issues on their own. Nom posted an article that compared being white to playing a video game in easier mode that seemed to do a lot to take the wind out of merit's sails. That lead to some spinoff conversations about white privilege, but the white women on the board aren't exactly keen on hitching their wagons to the white males' horses because they're really the root to the whole problem to begin with. Cowbell and Ghetto keep asking questions that only have one right answer. Nobody has heard from Parker.
He's probably giving himself a BJ since now he can't find any female to worship his huge slice of manhood. My guess anyway.
Every once in a while you read something that is so astonishingly ignorant that it makes you go, "wait... what?" This is one of those times. At first I thought maybe it was either a joke, or you didn't really think it through, and then you said: Maybe I'm misreading this, so let's just be blunt: are you implying a) that "white people," by sole virtue of the fact that they are white, are less inclined to commit crime, and/or b) that being born white does not have a statistically meaningful correlation to whether you have money/education/opportunity/etc.?
I think what he's trying to say is that, all things being equal, does the color of your skin make it more or less likely to commit or be involved in a violent crime. He goes on to say that there are more things at play then simply the color of your skin that determines how you conduct yourself. I'm thinking he wants to extrapolate that into the feminist argument that, just because you are born a male, doesn't mean you fall into a set category, and to believe that is the same thing feminists are rallying against.
I'd actually like to hear from a few of the women to a question that was asked a few posts back. What are you hoping the end result of pushing a feminist viewpoint into the majority of people will be? I'm genuinely curious as history has shown movements that start as a way of changing the mindset of a group of individuals can turn into the very thing they once were fighting against.
Re: Re: Whatta Girl Wants Should probably just let popped cherries speak for me from now on. That is basically what I trying to get at. This is why I posted a tasteful gif and tried to stay out. Back to your scheduled programing.