Man, that puts a whole other level on "coming of age" story. That must be one confusing family bathroom....and sock drawer.
Maybe it’s a biological male ego thing but yes physical confrontation can be humbling and can make you rethink your position. Most of the time it is a simple ego check, you aren’t going to knock out that asshole with one sweet haymaker.
Watched Chappelle’s special yesterday and it was hilarious. Of course the wokescolds are out in full force giving him the full Streisand effect. I will never understand how people don’t realize that a bunch of outrage articles will have the opposite effect.
Because it can be wildly effective in getting shit pulled and cancelled? Chappelle and Rogan, so far, have been above the fray. Lesser cultural personalities get canceled by the Twitter mob all the time.
Even then it often draws positive attention to them, look at Tony Hinchcliff and Shane Gillis, both became more successful after being “canceled”. Depends on line of work of course, I’m sticking to comedy here.
The thing about both Hinchcliffe and Gillis is that neither are really funny and they are both just a couple of edgelords. I’ve listened to their specials and I couldn’t even get through Hinchcliffe’s. Doesn’t mean I want them “cancelled”. Edgelord comedy as a style, to me, doesn’t work. Someone like Bill Burr can take a touchy topic, run with it to a fucked up place and bring the audience with him. He’s super talented. Just saying stupid fucked up stuff as the main thing doesn’t really work.
Edgelord comedy relies on there being an edge. When it works it works because of the courage it takes to transgress past that point. But in the age of "I saw a Chechnyan terrorist behead a Russian soldier on the internet when I was 12" the idea that any comedian is actually pushing the edge of taste or that it takes any kind of courage to stand on a stage and say offensive things is laughable (ironically the only laughs on offer). By the mere fact that some booker scheduled them or Netflix gave them a deal, they are guaranteed to be less edgy than a random sampling of Twitter comments. Stop trying to pretend the audience is shocked by your material. We're just bored.
Ah the joys of playing Counter-Strike with "internet friends" who send you attachments and say "watch this."
If you think he’s bad, I definitely don’t recommend Brendan Schaub’s special. It’s the most unfunny stand-up routine I’ve ever seen.
Yes, but it did give us the glory that was his own fanbase (or rather the Schaub-adjacent fanbases of Rogan, Callen, etc since Schaub isn't actually funny enough to have his own fanbase) absolutely roasting him for how terrible it was.
Would have been hilarious if Rogan had yet another heart-to-heart with him, but this time about how he’ll never make it in comedy.
Is he still doing standup? I’ve kind of taken a break from that whole side of comedy lately. The whole Rogan clan of comedians just kind of annoys me now.
Watch Marlon Wayan’s new special. It’s HIS FUCKING SPECIAL and he straight-up bombs the first twenty minutes of it. Not a funny person. However, nobody can ever top the King Of Kings (Tom Myers), baby:
Did you ever see Sandra Bernhardt's HBO "comedy" special in the late '90s? I couldn't tell what I was looking at.
I watched Chappelles special. Honestly focusing basically the entire time on the lgbtq thing got tiring. I don’t even really like Rogan’s stand up but he interviews a shit ton of interesting and hilarious people.