I keep seeing cook or chef. FUUUUUCK that. My buddy went to culinary school. He still works the line over blazing heat for LONG hours a day. He has a little more job security, I guess because of the degree, but most everyone he knows bounces place to place every six months or so. Fucked up schedules, dealing with mostly unemployable criminals and drug addicts or foreigners day in and day out, far from the Top Chef dreams most people have. His one plus is always having a stream of young waitresses in college wanting to party. I'd only take the gig if I started my own place that's about it. I would own a bar in a tenth of a second though. Then I could have the Bar Rescue guy come scream at me and chince on drinks. I too wish I had gone into something in media. I guess it's not too late to switch but my background and experience is next to zilch in that field.
Nix on the Bar Rescue asshole, but own a bar? Hellz to the Yeah. I would absolutely love that. I'm iffy about what type I would own, though. Probably a New York 70's-style bar.
I would be a clinical psychologist in the wealthiest neighborhood I could find. It's like owning a bar, only less vomit, date rape and assholery. Fuck, I still might just choose that as a career. One of my students works for a hospital and it's the easiest gig in the whole place. If I could choose a future job, give it about 8 more years and I would want to be an animator. The learning curve would drop so that you don't need 8 years of tinkering to use Maya, and the Dali-esque shit bouncing around in my head would finally be released. Now it's drudgery similar to programming, but when the software gets easier to use, and to the point the average schmuck could make HD quality animations at home....fuck yeah.
I would have taken the 5+ years that it took to finish with a liberal arts degree and learned a trade. High-end gunsmithing, precision fabrication, welding... Something like that. I enjoy the challenge. The monotony of fabrication is no better or worse than the monotony of an office job, and your skill set and qualifications are easy to see- making you more employable with each project. Plus, you're building a retirement job as you go. The pay ain't bad either, union or otherwise. My local welder/fabricator semi-retired at 50 to open his own shop and has more work than he knows what to do with in his back yard. He has enough work that he'll tell someone to fuck off if the job looks like too much of a pain in the ass. There's no telling if our generation(s) will ever fully retire. Having a skill or trade that is applicable through retirement ain't a bad plan.
Brilliant. I was trying to think of the right job for you, but I couldn't think of one tailor made for people who love beer and not having sex.
Aye, unless you really and truly love punishment and physical torture, cooking is not the option for you. Culinary school isn't tough because of the subject matter, but rather the monotony and physical aspects of it. Also, home cooking is nothing like professional cooking, and cannot be approached as anything akin to a hobby. Very long hours, harsh conditions, low wages, zero benefits, the list goes on. You do my job because you love food, the lifestyle, and because you don't fit into what's often considered "normal". End rant. FOCUS: Designing video games. Repetitive, stress-inducing, always pressed for time. Sounds a lot like what I do already, and I certainly love gaming. A close second would be working on CCGs or even board games. ALT. FOCUS: Anything related to politics, and I mean anything.
Focus: Some guy who plays with tits all day. Seriously though, I wanted to be an over the road trucker for a long time; my brother used to do that, and he liked it. I thought it would be cool to see the country and be on your own. I was planning on getting my CDL when I turned 25, but then I got my first DWI, and that ruined those plans. Now I just work on the trucks. Alt. Focus: Anything in the food service industry, especially waiting tables. FUCK THAT. I've done it before, and hated every minute of it. Things will have to get pretty tough before I ever do that again.
Focus: defensive end on (ideally) the Niners, but really any team that's not the Cowboys that would have me. Goalie for the Wings. Olympic wrestler. Oh and I always thought it would be cool to be an author. Alt Focus: being an assistant manager at a fast food place one of the most miserable experiences of my life. I like cooking. I like serving. I even liked being a dishwasher but fuck fast food directly in its ear.
Well, the Vatican called me last week to say that I came in second, so I said, "Vice Pope, not bad." They said, "There's no such position as Vice Pope, and besides, you actually tied for second." "Oh? With who?" I asked. "Jerry Sandusky."