I've never had a truly embarrassing job, unless as a teenager you're embarrassed by: Selling enemas to old people. Selling condoms to dudes your dad's age. Selling birth control pills to women who are desperate not to make eye contact. Renting a porn video to the first girl you ever kissed, and her boyfriend. Dealing with people who are clearly insane. Getting caught by the boss flirting with the hot cashier who caught you looking up her skirt but didn't mind and she grabbed your ass a few days later and "accidentally' fell into your arms and now you have to walk around with a hardon that could cut glass. Working at a pharmacy was an education unto itself.
I did some land surveying on a local nude ranch. It wasn't really embarrassing, more like awkward... and disgusting. We didn't work during peak nudist hours but... uh, it just wasn't great.
I wish I was a professional stunt cock. I've worked at the same company my entire life, worked my way up and now and in administration, but when I was bottom of the totem pole I had to do some not fun stuff. Worst was when a toilet overflowed into the hallway and I had to clean it up. With a shop vac. Toilet water and liquid shit. I could feel the turds going up the hose.
You haven't lived 'til you've routed septic sewers. Here's a shitblaster truck (what I call them now), which is like a supersized combination pressure washer and wet/dry vac on wheels. We'd start by blasting high pressure water through the sewer with the big hose in the front and then vacuum it clean with the long pipe thing hanging over it all. My job was to stand over open manholes and signal when the water hose came past, and then guide the big vacuum pipe around inside the sewer while running it. You'd end up with shit water running down the front of your shirt and pants and on more than one occasion I was standing next to an open manhole right when the water hose hit a big wall of sewage and came up through the top and all over. Then we'd televise the sewers which meant lowering a 75 lb. robot on wire brush wheels (which pieces of corn and pads would get stuck in) into the sewer and visually inspecting it with a camera mounted on the front. Didn't see any rats but there were lots and lots of brown trout and the occasional tree root. All that fun and more for $8.25 an hour!
Not so much humiliating as a sometimes downright frustrating job: Pawn Shop worker (this was 12 years ago, before all the reality TV bullshit). Having to haggle with the lowest forms of life day in and day out over their shitty worthless garbage gets old really fast. Almost always ends with being insulted and/or threatened only to have them eventually cave and take what we offer because 95% of the customers were looking for drug and booze money. Yes, we were low-balling them to an absurd degree, but that's how the business works. The states of being they would come to the shop in were atrocious. Breath that could strip paint, so drunk and stoned they were totally incoherent, clothes torn to shreds and hanging off their body, body odor that would make you want to puke. One co-worker openly told a customer not to come back until he showered, then followed him out the door spraying air freshener at him. Then there was a co-worker who would trade sex with most disgusting prostitutes imaginable for their items back. Great job other than the customers though. Except for check day (when welfare checks came out and we were flooded with people wanting to get their stuff back) it was usually pretty slow so would could watch movies all day and we could get awesome deals on electronics, movies, and CDs by buying them for what we got for the pawn (cost to the shop). We would often seriously low ball people (especially if the item was obviously stolen) with the sole intention of buying it for ourselves when it came out of pawn and up for grabs.