Don't act like I'm the only one! Seriously, isn't that the ultimate fuck-you money? Someone pisses you off. You look at them. "I could have you killed and no one would care." All of a sudden you own that person. Literally, because you bought them, because you're really rich.
Pretty sure you can still purchase human beings and trap them in perpetual servitude even right now. Just gotta know the right traffickers/people.
Over $4 Mill, I would be fine. But, anything under that, I would change my last name to Music, and spend a bunch of it on meth. Only like $500K, though.
Im a bit heartless when it comes to work. I have no problem fucking people over or advising clients to fire employees if it raises their profits and therefore my pay in the long run. Its not necessarily fun. But you know what is fun? Vacations, and vacations cost money.
I own my own business and like to think I'm fairly skilled with investments. I hit 7 figures in income last year for the first time. I don't buy a ton of shit or flashy stuff. Don't even own a luxury car. Buying extravagant items to show off your wealth is tacky as hell. I still drive my 2007 Honda Ridgeline. My house is nice but I could afford much nicer if I wanted. I live well below my means. Money isn't about buying shit. It's about security and buying time. If I can pay someone to do something so I dont want to do, I most definitely will. At my current level I can live a decade or more without receiving income. The day in the next 5-10 years where I have enough to be financially independent will be an emotional day for me. Finally the work will truly pay off and hopefully it'll be before I turn 45. I'll be able to retire, but I won't. Productivity is a powerful antidepressant. However the stress of work will finally be lifted off my shoulders for good. Peace of mind is true happiness in this world.
I find cost of living the biggest inhibitor. When I lived in Omaha, NE, I was able to pay all my bills, put a decent percentage into saving/investments and still had enough left over each month to go out for entertainment or impulse buy something a little extravagant. All of that was gone as soon as I moved to the Washington DC area. I'm making the same, but while I can still pay my bills and still invest a little, my entertainment budget's special occasion only and I live with the knowledge I'll have the choice of raiding my retirement/savings or maxing out my credit cards if something expensive shits itself. I look forward to the day I move back to a cheaper location.