Re: Re: When Violence Strikes I've asked a few guys I know that keep getting various women knocked up why the fuck the didn't wrap up. The response I always get is "you know how much condoms cost!?"
Re: Re: When Violence Strikes Lazy, good-for-nothing bullshit. Those are the same fucktards who complain over price about whatever cheap but important item they're too lazy to buy, like deodorant, furnace filters or dish soap. There's no excuse when the things cost chump change. Condoms cost chump change. Especially considering what they prevent.
That has to be the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. If you're buying the 36 or 40 ct. boxes of condoms, they cost, at maximum, about 50 cents each, versus a child, which supposedly costs (on average) $240,000 in the first 18 years. I don't know about y'all but I am not planning on having sex 480,000 times in the next 18 years.
I love how every time on this board someone posts about some dumb shit they did everyone jumps their shit and condescends like they've never done anything wrong in life or that strangers talking down to them on a message board is going to somehow lead that person to a revelation. I'm sure you're all pure as the driven snow and have never done anything that could have the same consequences, and never will. In fact, I know for a fact there is at least one person in this thread who openly talks about using illegal drugs that could get them locked up for years, but I guarantee they don't see anything wrong with that and will try to justify how the risk is worth a couple hour high.
I think there's a pretty big difference between choosing to do something that only affects yourself and damaging someone else's property. We all make bad decisions. We all justify them in some way, trust me, I have made more than my fair share of bad decisions and the justifications that go with them. I think that most people here have either tried to help by giving advice or said something funny, which is what this board does.
I'm pretty sure that to one degree or another, all members on here at one point did something impulsive or embarrassing. Like vengeful vandalism, or getting too drunk and pissing their pants, or freaked out when they couldn't get a hard-on at their buddy's bachelor party so they beat the hooker to death.
Yeah, the difference being that felony possession averages a 3 year prison sentence whereas property damage of that degree more likely than not he wouldn't even be sentenced to jail time, minimal at worst. Plus the decision to do drugs is generally a recurring one, whereas ISC made one bad decision in the heat of the moment when he was going through an extremely stressful time in his life. I'm not trying to justify what he did, but I can empathize with why he did it having been cheated on myself. Saying that drugs only effect yourself is just untrue for most people. Does no drug user have a family to take care of or people that rely on them? Both things are stupid to do, but the legal ramifications for drugs other than marijuana is a lot worse than what ISC did. It's one thing to give advice or make jokes, it's another to be a condescending cunt about it which a lot of people have been doing over the course of recent events. Dude just went out and smashed up some guys car, acting superior and talking about how stupid of a decision it was isn't going to help, and if he doesn't realize that it is a stupid decision that's a completely different issue that can't be fixed with advice from a web forum. For some of these people I don't think they are so much giving advice as they are subconsciously trying to make themselves feel superior.
In reality, I think it's less of a question of cost than it is a question of "I'm at this girl's house, we're about to fuck, but we don't have condoms; fuck it, no way am I getting dressed and driving to CVS and possibly ruining the mood, I'll just pull out". Throw in the fact that it does feel better without a condom and the fact that alcohol/drugs are often involved, and there you go.
The fact that I've actually gone out to buy them at the nearest store while fucked up after reaching DefCon4 means that other people can do it. Even when drunk you can still ask yourself "Is this worth ruining my life over?"
This whole situation just makes me irrationally angry. Guess I should go beat in a few windows or something. FYI - you can get condoms for free at the Health Department.
A bad decision in the heat of the moment is one thing. Being proud of that bad decision and how you learned someone real good by being an idiot is another. Boasting about the fact that you carry around a baseball bat just in case you come across a situation that can only be solved by you throwing a tantrum and destroying someone else's property... well that just seems like something someone does when they intend to routinely make bad decisions. Yes, we've all done stupid ass shit. However, it's one thing to reflect back on something like that with an attitude of, "Holy shit, I lost my shit back there." vs "Damn, I'm a real American Gangster because I just totally acted like a bad ass back there."
Yeah, well it isn't like we are gonna change his mind about what is right and wrong and talking about how obviously wrong it is from an objective standpoint is just a stupid circlejerk. Plus, it literally just happened, he might feel good about it now, but give it some time.
It got posted in a forum about discussing things, giving opinions, and debating. So that's what people did. If the overwhelming tone of those replies has been "bad move" then maybe that's instructive. Maybe not. But then, it's not like we all post here solely for the sake of education and mutual uplifting. Dude posted about something he did. She Girl made a thread about violence. We talked about violence, then he chimed in and we talked about him. What exactly else did anyone expect would happen? She Girl even got permission from him to make this thread. This whole forum is a circlejerk to some degree. We discuss stuff here for the sake of discussing stuff.
I should start by saying I love violence. Absolutely love it. I've actually pulled up a chair in front of a 10 person bar fight. I go to muay thai and boxing events at least once every two months, I've flown to a different continent to watch UFC, and there was a point last year where I'd watched every single street fight on youtube. I go to a particular bar fairly regularly just because there's a 50/50 chance that the 18 year old idiots that frequent it will kick off. Watching a fight is one of my favourite past-times, whether it's a sanctioned kickboxing match or two drunk frat boys. That said, I like watching it. Actually getting involved, I'll pass on. The risk/reward profile just isn't there. My former boxing coach loves to fight, works as a bouncer for that reason, and just spent $5k in court fighting one assault charge and has two more pending that I know about. On top of that him and his boss have a feud with the local motorbike club because they fucked up its sergeant-at-arms when he acted like a dick in the pub. His life is basically consumed with the consequences of fighting. So, I tend to think that fighting is best left to people with limited forethought. Also, maybe I just lack heart, but I get punched in the face quite a bit during training, and it sucks even with gloves, headgear, and a mouthguard. I can't imagine it's more fun with no protection. I've stepped in maybe twice in 12 years for friends just to even up numbers, but the only time I've ever been really looking to hurt someone it's because a douche (in both cases, ex friends of mine) hit or threatened to hit their girlfriends. And here's what I learned from that experience: I can spend a month stressing about assault charges, and worrying that I'll get jumped next time I go to a party, while the girl will just go back to him, and then call me the next time he hits her. Not that I'm bitter. In short: fighting; excellent to watch, great to bet on, terrible to actually get involved in yourself. On the specific topic of Mr. ISC: I can't speak from firsthand experience, but my gut feel is that judges tend to take a dim view of driving to someone's house with a baseball bat and smashing up their property when thinking about matters of custody, visitation rights, etc. I'll be interested to see how that plays out.
Since ISH and shegirl put it out there, figure it's fair game: I actually "get" what ISH did. Was it smart? No, but neither is love a lot of times. When emotions take over, we revert to fight or flight -- our most basic instincts -- and violence is a primal response. It's how our ancestors solved problems, so when an emotion makes logic (an evolved cognitive function) stop working, how difficult is it to assume that we revert back to what used to work? I think this sums it up quite well (side note: the Duck Dynasty dudes have officially sold out; they're in a damn music video now) Spoiler We've all done a lot of stupid shit for, or because of, love, or lust, or sex. If smashing some dude's car is the worst thing he does for or because of one of those emotions, he should consider himself lucky. And really lucky if he doesn't get civil or criminal charges pressed against for him it too.
One of the best books I've ever read was "The Little Black Book of Violence." If you are an officer, or deal with violence read this book. Generally speaking, it suggests to avoid violence at all costs, except for a few conditions that you set for yourself. For example, one guy said that outside of police, he will get violent to avoid being restrained. For me, three conditions are worth an ass-kicking or an arrest. 1. Domestic violence. I will not watch a woman get hit by a man. This does not mean I should "punish" the dude in question, but I will intervene and ensure it stops. 2. I will get violent to avoid being dosed. For no good reason, this instills a panic in me. If someone tries to force me to take something I don't want, I will respond violently. 3. I will get violent to avoid being raped. This has never even come close to happening, but it's just not something I'm psychologically equipped to deal with. It's better that I lose some teeth first than deal with the aftermath.