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When your ride just doesn't say enough about you

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lust4life, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    Alt Focus: I have a political bumper sticker on my car (I volunteered for a campaign), but I attached the bumper sticker to a thin magnet sheet so I can be removed easily. There's not any message I'd want to permanently affix to the back of my car.
  2. Nate17

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've pulled quite a few people over with the thin blue line/ FOP stickers and decals over the years. Yes, we see them. If your husband, wife, or parents are cops, it miiight help. If none of the above apply, It really pisses me off, and if it's an FOP members decal, I'll kindly ask you to get rid of it.
  3. Deke

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    Should still be lurking

    Dec 30, 2009
    This one always raises my blood pressure:

    "Caution: Show Dogs"

    What is the point of this? Am I supposed to alter my driving habits when in the presence of a vehicle that has show dogs aboard? Really?

    Also, another nod to vanity license plates. So retarded. I saw a corvette the other day with plates that said "Cap Gain". SO witty...
  4. no use for a name

    no use for a name
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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 4, 2009
    Eh, when I was in high school and college I had decals on my Durango. They included the Dodge ram head logo, a Phish sticker, a surf sticker, and my lacrosse team's logo. When I graduated college I took them all off because I realized they were stupid. Now I've got an F-150, and the only decals I have are a small Line-X sticker for the spray-in bed liner and my gym's small parking decal on my bumper. I only have the Line-X because they give you a nice discount on the bed liner if you put the sticker on your car, and it doesn't really bother me.

    In my area I like when I see female oriented surf decals on a car, such as a Roxy sticker, because it lets me know I need to speed up and check out the driver, because there's a good chance she's a hot chick.

    I always get a good laugh at the family stick figure stickers as well. As kind of a jab to the people with those, and just to try and be funny, I've been considering getting just the grown man figure by himself. I asked my girlfriend about it, and she agrees it would be pretty funny, but has the potential to be very stupid. So I'm not sure if I'll go through with it or not.

    I actually know a guy who used to put the "Baby on Board" sticker on his window, and drive in the HOV lane so cops would assume he had another passanger they couldn't see, and they wouldn't fuck with him.

    I also know another guy who drove in the HOV lane with a blowup doll in the passanger seat. He did it in highschool for laughs, but eventually got pulled over while trying this.
  5. Chirpy

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I truly hate the RIP decals that have become so popular over the past decade. I try and try to see the silver lining and think that it's a sign for me to remember to drive a bit more safely. However, I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would choose to look in their rearview mirror and have a constant reminder of the passing of a loved one. And I can't understand how you driving your car is a testament to someone's memory. Oakley decals I understand because Oakley decal = douchebag. But RIP decals? No clue.

    ALT FOCUS: The only decal I have on my car is a Masonic symbol next to my license plate. My father has always put these on our cars for my entire life so when I bought my new car this year, I just couldn't be without it. Plus, with all the DaVinci Code crap and the "masons secretly rule the world" it seems kind of subtly bad ass.
  6. breakylegg

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Devil's Elevator
    In good ole Vegrock it seems every other car is some souped-up laughmobile coated in idiotic decals like skulls, flames, odes to dead homies in old-english lettering, etc.

    I have a single sticker, one I got from a bar in Seattle (9lb. Hammer).

    When I was a valet, I thought about creating fake bumper stickers/license plates for people who'd stiffed me in the past. There was this little old rich lady named Candy who used to come in all the time and never tip; Mrs Wynn used to motor in driving a Lambo or Rolls and drop a dollar. I thought it would be nice to see these bitches drive off unsuspectingly sporting fake plates like:



  7. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I'm a beer snob and a bleeding heart. I decorate my car accordingly, with craft brewery stickers (currently Left Hand and He'brew) and my cause of the moment (currently Save the Ta-tas and dog rescue). I wasn't able to get the boobie magnet I wanted, but the keychain makes it all better.


    And yes, they are, thankyouverymuch.