I have one more little jewel from Facebook... This from a guy I graduated from high school with that has degenerated into a full-blown hipster. Angry at the world for his artsy major from school, creepy thin moustache etc. etc. you know. I'm still Facebook friends because seeing his whiny shit come up in my News Feed simply makes me feel better about myself. Well, this hipsterdom-saturated image is a profile photo out there. Spoiler Wouldn't make for a bad caption contest, eh?
In addition to people being all-around stupid, I absolutely LOATHE this copied and pasted shit: Cancer sucks. Absolutely. But pasting this garbage into a Facebook status and then leaving it there for an hour? Congratulations. You just accomplished jack shit. Maybe it's just me, but I think this stuff makes people look like condescending dickbags.
Speaking of copied and pasted shit: I'm with the 93% who won't repost this. I want the other 7% to fuck off and die.
My sister is an attention whore. She posts asinine cries for help, asking God for help on things as little as making posters for her classroom. It got to the point she had half my extended worry that she was suicidal. Growing up with her, I was used to this bullshit and after her latest request from God via FB I replied "Enough. If you are in danger, call 911. Otherwise, stop appealing to FB for everything that bothers you in life". She still does it.
Heh. Via rep regarding my last post: I don't think that's how it works. I think I'm still viewed as a filthy heathen because I reposted the comment OUTSIDE of Facebook. I'm assuming that in this case, God's almighty and divine methods apply only to Facebook and its users.
I'm becoming desensitized to inanity, and slacktivism, but the incurious still really get to me. I always try to post articles/links/etc. that I think people will enjoy and benefit from. You can lead a horse to water.... The worst part is that the guy commenting is a lot smarter than I am. If he could figure out a way to get over his apathy he could do some amazing shit.
As a few people have stated already, I too have mostly become desensitized to the slacktivism and short sited uninformed political bullshit that people post. That said for some odd reason this one irked me enough for some odd reason to post a rebuttal.
Dear women of Facebook, A year or two ago, in a moronically futile attempt to raise awareness of breast cancer, you all posted a vague status update that contained nothing but the colour of your bra. This was typically a one-word status update that was met with apathy or confusion because no one had any idea what you were doing. This raised awareness of nothing. By the time people knew what was going on, you'd all stopped, moved on and embraced the next silly Facebook craze. This year's fad has you posting an inane comment based on the date you were born and a seemingly random food item. These "I'm blank weeks and craving blank" comments are having the same effect as the bra color status updates. You are not raising awareness because people don't know what you're babbling about. In many cases, these comments seem to be being mistaken for pregnancy references. You then have to explain to people that you're attempting to raise awareness of breast cancer, but you're unable to explain exactly how. This leaves people scratching their heads for a few seconds before they move on and dismiss your idiocy. Instead of proving to everyone that you're a worthless slacktivist who's just looking for attention, why not step away from your computer and donate your time and/or money to the cause? Why not take action that involves more than typing a few words which will be forgotten as quickly as they were read? My wife, for example, has just finished raising $2,000 and will be participating in next weekend's Weekend to End Women's Cancers. I'm proud of her for doing so because she's actually DOING SOMETHING and I happily met that effort with a donation. By the way... This snarky post that I've just typed for the sole purpose of tearing you idiots down? It's done more to raise awareness of cancer than your trite Facebook comments ever will. Thank you for your time.