I have never had the pleasure of Old Crow, but a friend's reviews indicate "indian food style runs." He looks like he remembers it well, he's clenching pretty hard. My couch is going to have a hole in it. He knows I am typing about him, now...hahaha I'm nice, I could be on fb.
Watch and see. One ice cube and it goes down like water. You really have to not care about being a worthwhile human to drink this nonsense. You're all, "Old Crow, you taste like a children's beverage. I'll have nine of you." And it's all, "You are so stupid. In two hours, you'll be making eggs naked and then hit your head on the toilet." And you're all, "Shut up. I'm a man. I decide my own fate." And it just laughs.
That might be the greatest thing I've read on this message board. It's so sad, funny, and appalling at the same time. Honest question: did you, at any point, think someone was pulling an elaborate prank on you when the police came? Because it might have crossed my mind, if only for a moment.
No not really, if it was with guys from college I would've been more suspicious. But this was a group of guys who didnt know each other very well ahead of time. I had skepticism, but in the sense that I was dreaming or something because it was so jarring and Im not easily shocked. Looking back on it, the guy was a little off. The rest of us got along pretty well and had a lot of funny, subtle jabs at each other, but when this guy tried to joke with us, he would go completely overboard with it to the point where it got awkward. I understand hes a little antisocial and was probably trying to fit in with us, but a little decorum should be observed as it is still a business trip. According to the police detective, he had connected through a random open wireless connection while we were at work (the work one is locked down) and was using that to communicate to the girl (or so he thought). Another bizarre fact was, just before he got caught he was texting her from a smart phone that he kept hidden from us the entire trip. He had been using a shitty older phone in front of us, and its very strange that he had another phone that he clearly didnt want us to know about. The night he was arrested, the police quickly obtained the warrant and confiscated all his belongings, including his work hardware. They said they could have confiscated all of our stuff too, but due to our cooperation, they felt that it wasnt necessary. (Thank God)
He did some dumb shit. They always do. EDIT: See? He was a creepy fuck. This shit doesn't materialize out of thin air.
My friend just sent me this message. Apparently it's a cypher and I'm supposed to figure it out. I'm horrible with cryptography. Can someone please help me out here? This is going to bother me until someone figures it out and explains it to me.
Well thats the one part that didnt make any sense to me. How did she find out about the Craigslist posting without randomly trolling that specific area of the site? The timeline was very quick for such a weird coincidence. The detective didnt really elaborate on a lot of the details of that nature, and we dont even know who the girl is, although we have a suspicion. We immediately checked craigslist to see if we could find the message, but it had been taken down. The craziest part of the whole thing? The managment of the company we were working with had been clued in on the situation the day of the arrest by the police. We were told this was because they wanted to make sure the girl didnt come into the office that day for her safety. The company's president even came in and chatted us up on random things a few times, all the while knowing one of the guys in front of his was trying to solicit one of his employees. I cant imagine what was going through his mind.
Are they Navy blue and Army green? Combat boots? Is the fleet in town? PRO TIP: Don't swim out to meet the troop ships, it stinks of desperation.
I have a plate and registration for my motorcycle. Hopefully I'll find a bit of time to put the plate onand take it for a spin and perhaps fill up the tank. And afterwards, he wrenchig shall commence: the front brakes need some fixing and it is super prone to stalling without s hefty warmup. But that's just part of the charm. It'll be nice to have some time and income to dedicate towards hobbies like these.
Dude.... WTF? Why are you posting here about this instead of making the time right now? Go enjoy your new ride!
So my teacher is a cunting bitchface. During the semester my chair broke and I was pretty much bed ridden for two months. I inform my teachers and keep turning in my homework and doing all the tests. She's supposed to drop our lowest test score, which is good because I bombed my last test (70%). Except she's not going to do that because I have too many absences. Says I needed 6 or less, but what the fuck was I supposed to do? Why should I be academically punished for something non academic and completely out of my control? Cocksucking twatwhore.
I can't wait to start deployment already!! Our schedule inport is so fucked that deployment seems like a relief. I think...