About 30% of my class doesn't even have an internship or job contract of some sorts line up right now. The government passed some legislation last year which totally fucked up the pharmacy world, right around the same time that my school doubled its graduating class size and now another pharmacy school is having its first graduating class. The only real way to guarantee yourself a job right now is to be willing to move to some small town that nobody else wants to move to, and that's not going to last forever. Unless something gives in a big way, shit's pretty fucked for the foreseeable future. Anyway, the point is, I like to feel superior because I didn't have the margarita mondays and keg parties and need to compensate for those missed experiences.
I don't go out for beers at a bar. Restaurants, sure. But I strictly hit the hard liquor when I go out to bars. The general consensus seems that a dollar per mixed drink is acceptable. Glad I got that figured out. I was damn curious where I originally read that rule.
Last night, I had my first malt liquor at age 20. You read that correctly, I had never drank from a 40 before last night. It was Steel Reserve, and it was fucking disgusting. I felt like ghetto trash the whole time. I can't believe I actually put that shit in my body. Also, I watched Friday Night Lights for the first time. Great show. And yes, I had a very sheltered childhood.
Right? Do yourself a favor and check out my personal favorite, guaranteed to get you out of any number of "jams"
I don't know what you guys are talking about. Malt liquor is the finest of gentlemanly beverages. And look at that, it tastes better the colder it is:
Oh drunk thread, it's good to see you! I just finished an audition for music school that's been stressing me the fuck out all week. It went really well, so now it's time to start drinking before noon. And hey, look at this! (Spoiler alert: it's a girl's butt!)
Here, "camo" is the shit that comes in a ghetto plastic makeup case so you can paint your face to look like Billy Badass (or a fucking raccoon, as one of my buddies did in combat training). When you sweat, it mixes with the paint and ends up in your mouth. I get the feeling that our camo tastes better than that.
Just got back, it was really really funny. I don't know about the better than The Hangover claim, but I have seen it a few times and catch things that I missed the first time around. I have a feeling that this may be the same. Lots of great one liners and fantastic acting (Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy especially).
I graduated from a good school a year ago. A ton of my friends and I didn't have jobs at graduation, but all the engineers I knew sure did, in non-engineering fields. My school's engineering program wasn't even that great. Employers seem to respect that it takes some work to get through that kind of degree. I never had the ethic to take classes with real work (woo hoo undergrad macroeconomics!), but the shit definitely can pay off. The grocery store closest to my apartment in college bordered the 'hood and sold 15 packs - that's a 12 pack with 3 bonus cans - of Colt .45. You can be absolutely sure that's how a number of nights started (and sometimes ended). Colt .45 and OE are both not bad at all until you let them get warm.
Great, my wife is now all pissed because her country got robbed of second place in Eurovision. They got ABBA, so that takes care of things until eternity. But still, the filthy eyeties had a crappy song.
Oh, I cannot WAIT to try this shit: It's called Edgewalk and it opens at the CN Tower in August. You're teathered to the beam and get to walk around the roof of the lower pod on the CN Tower, 1200 feet above the concrete lake below. WANT.