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Whistle While You Twerk

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nom Chompsky, Mar 25, 2013.


How Many Hours Do You Work? What's Your Salary? (Choose 2)

  1. 0-15 Hours Per Week

    7 vote(s)
  2. 15-30 Hours Per Week

    10 vote(s)
  3. 30-40 Hours Per Week

    39 vote(s)
  4. 40-50 Hours Per Week

    79 vote(s)
  5. 50-60 Hours Per Week

    19 vote(s)
  6. 60-70 Hours Per Week

    8 vote(s)
  7. 70+ Hours Per Week

    6 vote(s)
  8. 0-20K Per Annum

    19 vote(s)
  9. 20-35K Per Annum

    26 vote(s)
  10. 35-50K Per Annum

    33 vote(s)
  11. 50-65K Per Annum

    27 vote(s)
  12. 65-80K Per Annum

    27 vote(s)
  13. 80-100K Per Annum

    19 vote(s)
  14. 100K+ Per Annum

    14 vote(s)
  15. 300K+ Per Annum

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I work from 7:30am to 4pm monday to friday. If I have to DJ on the weekend which is anywhere from 1-4 times a month, it's another 8 hours give or take, however it has an hourly rate that is 5x what my lousy full time job pays. I don't like my full time job, but in this city I'll take anything with good health coverage and a straight day shift. This job also pays for more than half of my school right now which is a plus. I would enjoy my job a lot more if I didn't want to slather my supervisor in honey and throw him to ten dobermans in a bullpen.
  2. R_Flagg

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 16, 2012
    Somewhere along I-77.
    As I've said in threads gone by I do farm work; my grandparents have a beef cattle operation and aside from some odd jobs (flea markets, mowing yards, etc.) I've never worked anywhere else. Its seasonal work so week to week my hours vary. In the colder seasons, October til April, I usually work from 8:30am til 1-3pm; during the warmer seasons, April through the middle of October, I usually work from 8am til about 4pm. Thats a rough estimate though.

    Now for the embarrassing part... I make a flat rate of $20 a day year round. It doesn't matter how many hours I work during the week, it usually averages out to about a $150 a week. Its always been under the table, so I've never actually paid taxes on any of my earned income. So long as I live with my parents, drive a high-mileage vehicle, and avoid any large purchases I'm able to live comfortably.
  3. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I work between 40-60 hours a week consistently. I am an x-ray and ultrasound tech in one of the busiest hospitals in the country. I love my job but its not without its stresses. I get to see gory shit all the time and my environment is constantly changing. But the workload is tremendous and because of this, it wears you down faster and causes people to call out sick a lot, thereby making the job even more stressful. Its also a teaching facility so when I am in charge of the students, my work practically doubles.

    I could stand to make a few more dollars an hour, but who couldn't? That said, I am one of very few people who actually hold a college degree in this field. Most ultrasound techs have one but hardly any x-ray techs do. This gives me a huge leg up when it comes to job advancement. I know for a fact that I am being considered for a supervisory position later this year which will give me a raise and a lot more responsibility. Being in charge of the radiology department of the busiest trauma center in the US is a nice resume booster and opens the door for even bigger and better things.

    So I will take the mediocre salary for now and keep pushing on until better things happen.
  4. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This is what is known as "foreshadowing".

    If I have one complaint about my job, it is that it is constant. Even if I am not technically working on a weekend (i.e., producing a work product) I am always thinking about work, in that "I think I've got a solution to x problem" kind of way.

    It has been close to a decade since I've gone away with the family on vacation and not spent a significant amount of time on e-mail or the phone dealing with issues at work. This came up again about an hour ago, when I was told I should be going to a conference on the days next week I had planned to take off to go away with the family. I'll figure out a way around this - but it is still a pain in the ass.

    It would be nice to go somewhere and turn it all off for a week, or maybe even two. And I already know that A) most of you will tell me to just do it, and B) no one is irreplaceable. It isn't that simple unfortunately, and in a way it is easier to deal with crap while on vacation than to try to arrange it so that i don't have to.
  5. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I work somewhere between 32 and 40 hours a week (usually - there were a couple of months recently where my hours were inexplicably cut to between 20 and 30/week), 4 days a week, either 2pm-12am or 4pm-12am. I make just enough to get by, but I did recently get a promotion with a small raise which won't make a significant change but will hopefully leave me with a little more cushion at the end of the month after paying all my bills. I also have freelance writing work that, obviously, varies in schedule and payment, and I tend to choose to spend that income on things that I want rather things that I need.

    I'm able to live in an apartment that I love (that I can afford because we're splitting a rent meant for 3 people by 4 people, and because my landlord lives in Long Island and isn't aware that our neighborhood is gentrifying) in a neighborhood that I love. I can go out for drinks or a meal about once a week and can buy myself something once or twice a month. I have to run a calculation in my head to see if I can afford any little thing outside of my bills but I have just enough that I can live a little beyond a miserable existence of only spending your money on bills. I also have the inherited Jew Power of turning a little bit of money into looking like a lot. (Now if only I could learn the power of turning a little bit of money into actually being a lot.)

    I asked to shove all my hours into 4 days a week in order to leave more room for my freelance work/working on turning that into a career that I've been trying to do, and that lends itself to a nice work/life balance. It's the best part of my job. Sometimes all 3 of those days are spent working on writing, but that doesn't feel like work to me, and it obviously also gives me room to do things for myself. The weird work hours have their pros and cons. As a night owl, I think a 9-5 job would probably kill me, but getting home between 1am and 2am has made my weird body clock even worse and going to sleep at 7am and waking up at noon to get ready for work is strange. I also miss out on a lot of opportunities for more enjoyable work/fun on the weekday evenings.

    I want: to not be paid by the hour anymore. If I made twice as much as what I'm making now, it would still be considered a low salary, but it would be awesome. I just want to be comfortable for now. I want benefits. I want to be completely financial independent from my dad, who's still paying for my insurance and cell phone. I still want my current flexible schedule, but maybe with a bit more normal hours.
  6. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I work 40-45 hours a week 9:30 to 6, with rotational 24/7 oncall in IT. I make 45K a year. I've just purchased a 3 bedroom house with my girlfriend in Seattle. She works the same hours and makes $50K+ depending on her sweet sweet overtime deal and mandated pay raises. Fucking unions. Anyway, I love the variety and challenge of what I do. The people I work with don't suck. And work pays for taxis so we can go get hammered together during company parties, so that's nice. We're also expanding, so it's nice to know that we won't be circling the toilet in 3 months.

    Ideally, I'd like to start a family and be able to make enough money to cover kid costs while the GF can stay home. Or I stay home and she works, whatever.
  7. jdoogie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 20, 2009
    Columbus Ohio
    My current position has me working between 45-50 hours a week sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less, depending on production output, but I also get OT for anything over the 40 hour mark. After all my OT is added in I usually gross out right at the $70k mark. Before my current position, I was working sometimes up to 80 hours a week, and that too included OT and also a production comp bonus. My highest year was probably around $95k, but my days were pretty much work from 6am until 11 pm, go home, pass out and then do it all over again. It was nice to do for a couple of years when I had no responsibilities as spending my entire life at work meant I spent no money and I was able to pay off all of my debts in a really short time frame and build up a bit of a savings, but I had absolutely no life outside of work.

    Now, with having my daughter, just buying a house not too long ago, I'm much happier taking the pay cut in order to be able to spend time with my kid, actually see my friends, just have a life. Plus, the new job also has a lot more room for growth potential and a higher ceiling when it comes to pay, but still staying at a relatively manageable work/life balance.
  8. NickAragua

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 8, 2009
    Near Lake Titikaka
    40 hours/week at around $80k.

    I can't see myself working any more than that. I have no idea how people work 60-80 hour weeks without going insane and murdering everyone around them, especially for us techie folks. I'd probably willing to suck it up for a couple of months at way more than double standard salary (we're talking "consulting fees" here), 'cause who doesn't love having a years' worth of salary kicking around just in case you need some padding.

    I'm fairly happy with the balance. To be fair, if I only worked 30 hours a week, I'd still get the same amount of work done - my brain fries way before the standard eight hours a day are up. Software engineering isn't exactly a "words per minute" type of job.
  9. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Once upon a time, I worked less than 10 hours a week and made over $50K a year. Sadly, tutoring doesn't pay nearly as much. Between tutoring appointments and research, I only put in 30 to 35 hours a week of actual work (and much less during the summer break), but it seems like so much more because I spend about 15 hours in addition to that driving to and from appointments. My hourly pay is more than many salaried jobs, but I'd definitely take a decrease in my hourly and an increase in my hours in order to increase my net pay and only drive to and from one location every day. I hate driving, and I'm exhausted all the time. I'd like my weekends back. I'd work a 60+ hour workweek if it meant having two consecutive days off every week. This seven day workweek is draining me. Then again, I have no rent and few bills to worry about, so I can spend my money on whatever frivolities I want, usually beer or vacations when my students are on their own breaks.
  10. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I work about 45-50 hours a week, depending on derp that pops up. Ostensibly, I work 38.5 hours a week, but that's just time on shift. Everything else - briefs, training, getting called in at random times, etc, adds another ten hours to the week.

    What kills me is that my hours aren't fixed.

    I work a six-day workweek. Four days on, two days off. So, for example, this week I'm working Days: 5:00 AM to 1:00 PM, from Saturday to Tuesday. I then get Wednesday and Thursday off. Then, I go to work Nights: 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM, from Friday to Monday. I then get Tuesday and Wednesday off, and then go back to working Days. About once a month, I get Mids instead of Days: 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM.

    All of this is completely arbitrary, with the only certainty being that your hours will NOT be the same every week. You WILL change every shift.

    There was a period, when I was a boot and was getting all of the Mids shifts, where I would wake up and not know what day of the week it was or whether it was AM or PM.

    Now - this isn't that bad, aside from requiring the ability to change your sleep routine week after week after week, (Think you can get away with going to sleep at 10:00 every night? Think again - you've got Mids next week! Hahahaha!) but what sucks is doing the following:

    4 days of Nights.
    No days off because your unit has all-hands sexual assault training.
    4 days of Mids.
    Two days off (Whew!)
    4 days of Nights.
    Spend two days snapping in at the rifle range going to classes.
    Two days of Days, then five days on the rifle range. Work Nights when you're crew's on because the other comm tech went on leave and they need coverage. Yay for fifteen-hour days!

    It piles up.
  11. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I work Monday-Friday, from 7:30 in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. I am one of those people who is too embarrassed to reveal how much they make, but let's just say that I am lucky if I can manage to save an average of $25 a month after I pay my bills. I have a dental plan and vision plan through my employer but I dropped the medical at the start of the year and went for a cheaper plan. I have a 401K, too, but I only contribute a very small amount to it. I get 80 hours a week per year of vacation and 32 hours of sick time, but I can't actually use that time until I accrue it. The unused vacation rolls over to the next year, the sick time doesn't.

    I am not allowed to work more than 40 hours a week, but even if I could I am not sure that I would at my current job. I sit in front of a computer all day and have to focus on the screen for almost the entire time. By the time Friday rolls around my brain feels fried and I am literally too tired to do anything on Friday nights. As much as I could use the extra money I just don't know that it would be worth it. I have about $200 a month in student loans, and I have also been spending about $200 a month on gas. I would like to move closer to my job but it is in a part of town that is more expensive than where I live now.

    I have been looking for a new job, since I am underpaid at my current one and am only guaranteed work through the end of the year. If I found another job that paid more and I had to work 50-60 hours a week then I would probably not turn it down. I am single and don't have kids and I have Saturdays and Sundays free, so I am getting by all right for now. I should probably go to graduate school but I have been lazy in studying for the GRE and figuring out how to pay for it.
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    So who's the one baller raking in the high bread? Next meet-up is on your yacht, it is.

    EDIT: What is Robin Leach like in person? I picture a huge cokehead.
  13. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I own a logistics company where seasonal shit
    hits the fan, of which three months out of the year that are pure hell.

    That time is starting up about now til end of June. During this time I put in 70+ hours where sometimes I can't pay off all my debts.a1

    Why would one put themselves thru that?

    If I don't piss off every last customer due to the season, I have 9 months averaging well over 100k annually.
  14. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    The survey fails to encompass extracurricular coin through investments, which is where the action's at.
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
    Expand Collapse
    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Are you not a gazillionaire from such things?
  16. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    Nah man I'm a Brazilianaire, which is just a hair short.
  17. NMW

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I install hardwood flooring, generally I work between 50-60 hours a week. Pay wise I'm not paid an annual salary or hourly wage, I'm paid by the square foot. Add in the 2-3 hours travel and picking up materials and it works out to under $20 an hour. I get no vacation time or sick days, no medical or pension plans, but my bills are paid and we go to Disney World for 2 weeks every year. I'm happy.
  18. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I work about 6 hours per day teaching conversational English. I got a certificate in 2010, and I've been doing this for 2 years now. I taught in Bali and now in South Korea. SK pays about $20k/year, but my monthly bills total at about $100, including cell phone, internet, cable, electricity and heat. I'm using the spare cash to pay for an accredited online grad school that will erase some past GPA-related sins, so that I can get another master's (US)and hopefully a PhD (abroad).

    I'm actually really happy I never had a chance to make $75k or so, because then I wouldn't have left the country. I've never made much money and it never seemed to bother me, as long as I was doing something fun or interesting (wilderness camp, Peace Corps, construction, teaching, etc.). The worst time in my life was working for $35k/year at an office job and I'm not anxious to ever do that shit again.

    I'm pretty happy with work/life balance here, and it's a fascinating place. I can imagine working a lot more hours here if given the chance, but there's not much point. The extra money goes to student loans or ludicrously expensive food, not towards anything fun or useful.
  19. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Somebody needs to come up with a graph or chart of some type which links the hours worked with money made so we can see if there is a correlation. I am not smart enough to do that, but I bet that lone 300K+ guy is.
  20. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I just started the teaching job, and between classes, planning, and grading, I'm going to be working at least 45-50 hours a week. Even over Spring Break, I'm going to be lesson planning like crazy just to try to get ahead of the curve a little bit, because I am starting so late and taking over such a messed up situation.

    Of course, it comes with summers (mostly) off. Even if they decide to bring me on full time next year, I'll have a lot of training to do, and the school is working on creating a lot of online courses, so that is even more work during the summer. If I decide to coach? I'm looking at even more (I've said before I have a brother that is a teacher and in the fall and winter, he routinely works from 6 AM until 7 PM, not counting grading he does on Sundays).

    I'm certainly not looking for less or different. I've been wanting this job for a long time, and now that I have it I have to do my best to hold on to it and get them to offer me a contract for next year.

    Now, all that said, it is much better than my video store job where I worked 35 hours a week and made about 17,500 a year, which is just awful. And the fact that my wife is a pharmacist and, even when she goes to part time, she'll still be making just south of 100k a year, my salary is pretty much devoted entirely to savings and building up my daughter's college fund. We could easily live on just my wife working part time and me being a stay-at-home dad. Even if she worked 30 hours a week, we'd make enough to get by pretty comfortably, we'd just have to give up some of the luxuries we enjoy. Once one of our cars is paid off, she's likely reducing her hours even more anyway.