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Who needs Judge Dredd? We've got Judge Adams!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by WickedBitch, Nov 2, 2011.

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  1. sartirious

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    Oct 20, 2009
    TC, MN
    I'll always give Texas the benefit of the doubt, because I LOVE the Castle Doctrine and all the other associated firearm laws, and the assumption that people are smart enough to act intelligently with such rights.

    That being said, there is a goddamn difference between the capital punishment of a convicted criminal by a legal justice system, and the abuse of a child:

  2. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I'm going to say this plainly and matter of factly, as people got caught up in previous jokes. This was not abuse as he just wasn't trying to hit her all over.
    -He focused on the spanking area, her ass, which is padded. (She's a southern white girl, she has an ass.)
    -He was not beating her, hitting her face, chest, arms, back or legs, which an angry person would do.
    -Some people slap hands, other people slap ass. They talk to her before and after, informing her of her offense, both
    parents playing good cop bad cop.
    -This may not be the "sit down, talk to your children and reason with them" soft-high-educated-Parent-Today approaches to discipline.
    -It has nothing to do with bullying, power control, lack of parenting skills, or imagination. Parents stick with what they know. The judge probably got spanked and well, he turned out to be a judge. He applied the same to his daughter.

    This "not Pavlov's dog" argument is fucking retarded. FROM EXPERIENCE: I ate cookies I wasn't supposed to eat before dinner, I got spanked, I didn't eat cookies before dinner. The spanking of course came after after a warning. Any time I looked at the cookie jar I felt a pain in my ass, so it worked pretty fucking well. All without hating my parents or ignoring them.

    She's 16, she downloads some shit, gets spanked, I bet she won't be downloading shit anymore. Then again she's 16 and she's going to be "testing her boundaries" and rebelling anyway, so maybe she will. The guy wasn't beating a toddler. Anywhere from 3+, a kid will understand why his/her ass can't be sat on for 10 minutes. Saying they won't be able to connect the dots is completely retarded. Unless they commit the crime in the morning and they're spanked 5-6 hours later. But if a kid is caught doing something and spanked right after, they'll catch on.

    I've been talking to my mom about this thread and she just said "Must be all white people posting on the internet. They get hit and lose their minds like you shot them." I brought up the boundaries thing she said "Yeah, you learned quickly your boundaries were outlined by a belt or paddle."
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I'm very tardy for this party, but I'll say this: if you beat your child, not hand spank, but actually lean into them or strike them with an object, I hope cancer eats out your asshole like Ms. Pac Man then works it'say up slowly. Fuck you in the ear. You are bigger, stronger and have total carte blanche authority over your child. If you beat your child, you're a piece of shit. Period. That isn't even open for debate.

    It also isn't hereditary, at least in my case. My father was horribly abused by his asshole WWII paratrooper father (if you know paratroopers, then you know that they are mostly borderline sociopaths). When my dad got home from school every day, he had to de-weed the 2000 sq. ft. vegetable garden in his backyard to start his night. When my grandfather got home, if he found one single weed in the garden my dad would get the belt. The buckle end, that is. And he wouldn't stop until he drew blood because "That would be enough". My dad would have to dust the entire house on saturdays, and my grandfather would run his hand inside lamp shades and on top of the doors to check. Any dust? A 2x4 right across the back of the legs. One time my grandfather thought my dad stole some pocket change of the top of a dresser and literally knocked in his eye socket in front of twenty house guests, mostly family. He was nine yeas old.

    My dad (or mom) never beat me, and I was an only child just like him. My dad is the smartest, honest, kindest and most decent person I have ever known (though being an ex-gang member planted a truly intimidating temper in him that came out every so often). Sure, I got my ass tanned by an open hand every blue moon and one time I got spanked all the way down the street with my feet not touching the ground the entire time, but that was the 1980's. A kid that DIDN'T get spanked in those days came from a weird household and you can bet the farm on that. My best friend next door would get beaten on the forearm with a wooden spoon "Until it broke. We had a drawer with about fifty of them in the kitchen".

    Now that I'm a dad, I don't see myself physically smacking my daughter in any way (she is and will be my only child). I picture myself dying from the guilt if I did so.

    So FUCKING WHAT? He's hitting her with a weapon. He's a bully and a fucking pussy. Have someone lay a leather strap across your leg who weighs twice as much as you and tell me you're walking on sunshine afterwards.

    You ARE kidding me, right? You have to be.
  4. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Locally, there is a protest at the courthouse calling for the resignation. Also heard Dr. Phil was in town over the weekend and up at the courthouse today.

    No sign of the judge.
  5. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    You know what this is? Easy.

    It's easy to hit. It takes no effort, imagination, follow up, skill, or rational thought.

    In short, it takes no parenting.
  6. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Parker, honestly? Are you fucking retarded?

    1:33 - he hits her right across the side of her leg.

    1:46 - "I'll spank you right in your fucking face"

    1:48 - Lash across the front of the thigh.

    1:51 - Second blow across the front of her leg

    1:54 - Hits her arm, but she had it in the way, so I'll give you that one.

    3:15 - Front of the leg, again

    I like having discourse here, and even when I flat-out disagree with someone, I'm glad this isn't the RMMB where disagreeing with the majority gets you shunned, red dotted into oblivion, and then banned. That said, come off of the bullshit with saying "he doesn't do X" when there's a video on the first page of this thread showing him fucking do it.
  7. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    I re-watched the clip, thinking that maybe I was just being a pussy and it wasn't really that terrible. It's still pretty shocking and disturbing. My parents used corporal punishment until around age 5. I don't think spanking is really appropriate for older kids. I think that's when grounding, extra chores, time out, etc should be used. I especially don't understand the people in this thread who say that their kids are about to fail out of school, but they disappear into their rooms and play video games. If I had any problems in school growing up, I sure as hell wouldn't be allowed to do anything besides eat, sleep, study, and visit my new tutor/best friend.

    My parents weren't the greatest in the world, but I don't ever think I've heard them use that language, especially directed towards me. That disturbs me as much as the hitting areas outside of the bum. Everyone in that video needs counseling. That judge will never work again. He's done, even in Texas.
  8. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    This thread has gone on so long, I can't remember if somebody posted this already. I'm too lazy to review . . .

    #128 Rush-O-Matic, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  9. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Have you ever said "I'll fucking kill you!" to anyone? Were you really going to do it? Didn't think so.

    She was squirming. THEY (both parents) also kept saying "bend over the bed" so they could hit her on the bottom. Not across her face. Her legs were not the original targets. She was squirming around, collateral damage I guess. They also did not, in fact, spank her face even thought he threatened it. Could it just be a threat? I think so. Or she'd have recorded the bruises and marks left on her body. Problem was, there wasn't any, because belts sound worse than they actually are.

    Also yeah he used a belt. Belt is the traditional spanking weapon. Belts, paddles and if you're in the south: "switches" (read the comments on this yahoo question, fucking hilarious and true these guys aren't freaking out, and hey a bunch of them mention spanking being from the south...THATS WHERE TEXAS IS!). Paddles were custom made for spanking, way before Scootah's kind adopted them.

    I'm telling you, I've been spanked before, I've gone through that. I'm not citing some family member here. I know what it feels like. Do you? I know exactly what that feels like, from lots of experience! Of course she's screaming bloody mary and asking to stop. If they told her to clean the entire house, after the kitchen and living room she'd be begging to stop also. But its not abuse, that shit Crown Royal talked about? That's abuse. Watch the video again on mute. The actual spanking only took 2 minutes, 3 minutes max. Its not that bad is it? It's the screams and her reaction that makes it worse. I bet if you took 16 year old Paris Hilton's credit card(s) away, you'd hear the exact same screaming.

    I've been there and done that, you guys are freaking out over her screams, other people's trauma's which were MUCH WORSE THAN THIS and then projecting it on this. Indignant outrage I say. Shouldn't the people who were "spanked" be freaking out more than the people who's parents hit them once or twice when they were 5 with their hands? I've been spanked with belts, shoes, flipflops (sometimes taken off my feet), paddles, bamboo poles, "switches", and coat hangars.

    Why aren't I freaking out and hating my parents? Why are the people who were ACTUALLY spanked more than one time (not abused) not freaking out? Is it because I have some damaged brain cells due to my vicious, overly violent, ignorant, angry, projecting bad parents who happened by chance to get out 4 boys (all of them spanked) who still love them, have college degrees, zero jail records, zero drug abuse, one of them served in Operation Desert Storm (Army), one of them starting his own BBQ Sauce Business in MN, one with a Masters degree, 3 of them with houses already in major cities, and healthy careers; that beat me all the time?

    C'mon now...
  10. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Weird that I was spanked, frequently, from as young as I can remember until I was 14 years old. I know what a large paddle repeatedly applied to the bare ass feels like. I'm pretty sure I alluded to such in a previous post in this thread.

    So no, not everyone in this thread who is upset by this video falls into the categories of "abused" or "smacked a time or two when they were 5", and you're an idiot for trying to use that same argument after I called you out on it a few pages back.

    Seriously, if you have your opinion, that's fine. You're still full of shit.
  11. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Well I'm not one to hurt red dots or insult people, but there's definitely a chance of overreaction. And hey you turned out just fine right?
  12. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I can't even tell if you're trolling at this point. Its almost like you are the judge in the video.
  13. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010

    Just to give some backstory: I was raised knowing certain things were wrong, and that I was going to be spanked if I did them. Lying, backtalking, etc. The problem was, I also got spanked for things I didn't know were wrong. I got spanked for things that weren't my fault or that I couldn't control. Sometimes it was calmly administered, sometimes it was swung as fast as possible while my dad yelled at me and punctuated the blows with the syllables. Was I abused? I would say no -my parents might have been idiots at times, but they meant well. I never had marks that lasted a week, I never got hit in whatever spot was convenient.

    Now? I have a spanking fetish. Since I hit puberty, I am rarely able to get off to anything that doesn't involve a girl being spanked. Do you know how old that gets? Do you know how irritating it is to be bored to fucking tears by the majority of non-BDSM porn out there? It sucks, and turns out there's a lot of evidence to suggest that - wait for it - frequent spanking in childhood seems to have a connection to interest in sexually related spanking as an adult. Is it conclusive, no, but it's suggestive.

    Second point: I'm also very defensive - whenever I make a mistake, even if it couldn't be helped I get very down when it's brought to my attention. I get nervous. When I know that I outright fucked up? My ass tingles. I actually get a shiver down my spine and a tingle in my ass, because I learned throughout my childhood that fucking up meant getting spanked.

    And maybe being spanked without good reason, even if the actual blows weren't excessive, qualifies as abuse on the same scale as getting your ass beat raw.

    So hey, call it an overreaction. At least I'm not sitting here assigning people to generalized categories for the sake of my own argument while trying to bend reality to fit my opinion.
  14. sartirious

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    Oct 20, 2009
    TC, MN
    Parker - you're full of shit. Whether or not *you* turned out OK is irrelevant. The girl in this situation was indeed abused:

    In Texas, the very county that this occurred, on Douchebag McAsshole's home turf, surrounded by legal and law enforcement officials that probably know him, the culture, and the law very well (and apparently are all huge fans of capital and corporal punishment according to you) - the government is not pressing charges only because the statute of limitations has run up, not because his actions were considered acceptable behavior.

    For the sake of argument - let's pretend that instead of it being a father and child in the privacy of their home, it was instead a grown man and woman, and he starting going off on her like that in public; would you still consider that perfectly acceptable behavior?
  15. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Don't set the bar too high now.
  16. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Right there. There's the trigger. I get it. You went through some shit. It sucked. But listen to the first minute of the video.

    Did she know illegally downloading music on her home computer in 2004. The first thing he said "Go get my belt, she put it back on against my instruction." Then the mom talking in the background "That's why you do it " daughter "what is" "That's why you reinstall it because you don't think its a big deal." The parents TALKED to her about putting downloading shit on her computer, she did it. They told her it was a big deal, a no no. Maybe the exhausted all her options. Maybe she did it for the video, I don't know. Maybe she's trying to get back at her parents because she can't download the new JT album with this video? Maybe she never got over it.

    They obviously talked to her, she did it, she was spanked. That's all I can say. Anyone else want to transcribe the first minute of the video? Come on now. And then the last 2 minutes. And *Forrest Gump voice* That's all I got to say about that.
  17. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009

    Enough with the 'Texas' stuff. He will not remain in office.
  18. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've been thinking this the entire damn thread. I don't know if it's a commentary on the culture or what, but if my dad even thought I had a drug problem or a jail record, I'd be fucking disowned. Flashbacks to 2:04 of this video:
    #138 RCGT, Nov 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  19. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    This will be the most overtly racist thing I think I've ever typed. Red-dot and ban away, but I can't help myself.

    Why are you using this as a POSITIVE example? Where is the huge population of black people that are turning out so well, their parenting methods can be waved like a flag of victory? Isn't the crime rate amongst black people in America hugely disproportionate to that of whites? As you yourself said, you think it's something to brag about that neither you nor your brothers have a criminal record or a drug problem. I can't think of a white person I know that would boast about that fact.

    When I taught overseas, 100% of my students were obviously black. I assume pretty much all of them came from households where violence was accepted as the norm. I can remember one day teaching and suddenly my own teaching partner (who was Ugandan) started beating a child in the class who had been fidgeting. My experience with seeing children who were constantly (read: daily, by all adults) taught with the rod showed me that yes, you may intimidate some of them into submission but you also end up with children afraid to learn, or take risks, or draw attention to themselves (even if that attention is for something positive).

    No thanks.
  20. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've been thinking about this a bit and my problem with this video comes down to control. Specifically, I'm not sure the Judge has control of his emotions or his actions. He's red in the face, shouting, spittle flying. He can't calm down long enough to place her into whatever spanking position he prefers; he just wails on her while yelling. For anyone who has experienced being hit by someone twice your size who's lost control, it can be a legitimately terrifying occurrence. You have no recourse, and no escape. In short, it inspires fear. So you tell me: if you look at human history, how do we respond to things we fear? Do we love them and assume they are good role models for us? Or do we resent them and eventually rebel against them when the opportunity arises?

    I guess I don't understand why, if the Judge is a well balanced and reasoned individual, the act of disobeying him by pirating music inspires the sort of tantrum he's throwing. He's not WickedBitch. He has a wife who looks to be supportive, he's got money in the bank, his kid isn't out shooting up or stealing cars. The only conclusion I can draw is that he's either a) taking his other frustrations out on the kid, or b) can't control his temper. Neither of these suggest to me that he doles out carefully considered punishments for breaking well-established ground rules. And neither scenario is good parenting, or even moderately ok parenting. At the end of the day, all his kid has done is show the world his actions. Nothing beyond that. He can now be judged by a jury of his peers.
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