While I firmly disagree with the opinions stated in your post -- don't mistake "pretentiousness" for "sarcasm" -- it's the welcoming of differing opinions such as this that, to me, highlights the differences between the Tib and the RMMB. If you made this post on and about the RMMB, you'd be red doted into an oblivion, someone (probably a mod) would look up your IP address and show a Google Earth screen capture and/or street view image of your house including address, phone number, school, last four digits of your social, natural hair color, number of sexual conquests and your pet's name, and then you would be perma-banned. But here, it will stand. Which is why, for me personally, I'm still around. Because of the difference, rather than in spite of it.
A lot of people are making it seem like RMMB was some sort of a police state -- it wasn't. Granted, Tib is a lot more laid back, but that isn't necessarily a good thing. I think some of the real high volume posters here turn out a lot of complete bullshit just to see their post count climb, and at RMMB someone would have told them to shut the fuck up. Not to go all Bunny on this, but this seems like more a replacement social life for some people and that's just strange to me.
It's not our posts we want to see climb, it's rep points. They are the single most important thing in the entire universe, without them we'd put rocks in our pockets and throw ourselves into the sea. Serious fucking business.
Exhibit B. Doesn't understand sarcasm. Now, I don't always get it either, but even I could tell Crown was being facetious. This place is different to the TMMB/RMMB and I think the majority of us like it that way. Sure, I got on with a few of the mods there (DietCokehead and slf, and occasionally Bunny specifically), but I didn't have time for many of them or many of the users and I too feel they were a bit heavy-handed sometimes, example: I was banned in the last week the RMMB was up, so I missed everything that happened there at the end. I hadn't actually done or said anything to get banned, I just was - I think it was by Boozy (who I had had no prior interaction with). I happen to like the lighter moderating here. Also, a lot of the guys and girls who post a lot are generally trying to keep threads going and encourage debate. Not sure how you could miss that pretty obvious point.
What's asperger's like? I'd ask Scootah, but he's too busy playing with nipple clamps and car batteries.
Strangely enough, I miss most of the mods that used to post here, Net, DCC (though she turns up from time to time), Bluedog, Dr. Frylock, Scootah, among others. If you miss mods, that says a hell of a lot about the moderation.