I had a goldfish at one point. It was pretty quiet and low-maintenance, but it really sucked at killing roaches and mice. I mean, it totally entertained itself and was fun to watch sometimes...but I still had pest control coming out every four months. I don't even see critters at my place. All my neighbors are complaining about a stinkbug invasion, but all I see is my cat getting fatter. It's awesome. I'm fairly positive that if I decided to let fat kitty outside I wouldn't have a rabbit problem, either. But yeah. Goldfish. Woo. EDIT: Dog propaganda is just as bad. Look, I have a cat because I like pet companionship to be on my own terms. I don't want to have to arrange my social life around making sure my pet has enough opportunities to go outside and use the restroom. I like my yard hole-free and sans dog shit. I like to leave my shoes out and my sandwich on the kitchen table while I take a piss and not come back to find either of those things half-eaten. When it's raining, I like to stay inside and not walk my pet just because they need to go outside for exercise every day. I like my houseguests to feel reasonably certain that my pet won't have its nose glued to their ass or crotch for the duration of their visit. I like my living environment drool-free. I dislike small items being deposited in my lap in hopes of initiating a game. If I wanted to play a game, I would start one. Your pet preference has everything to do with your priorities in life and nothing to do with the supposedly inherent "superiority" of your pet choice.
Have to love the fact that a thread on animals we wished dead degenerates into a thread about cats. Personally, I have no use for cats. At best, they are apathetic roommates. I don't actively hate them, but I will admit that annoying cat owners irritate me more than the cats themselves. As someone mentioned previously, the claim of "Oh but my cat is different! You'll love my cat!" is met with disdain so incredibly strong it is palpable.
Cat owners thrive on rejection. They only love you when they are hungry. Otherwise, you never see them. Call it? Its like it doesn't even have a name. Play with it? Only if you want to get clawed. But, yea they are really cute.
There, I've saved us all having to read another ten pages of why X poster's cat jerks him off better than Y poster's licks his ass.
Translation: I despise attention and am lazy as fuck. No wonder cat women have such a stigma. If you can't handle the light training of a dog forget having kids.
Translation: I have a massive reading comprehension problem, as Pinkcup never once said that cats were superior to dogs. EDIT: You know what? No. I was going to let the rest of that shit slide, but you're being purposefully obnoxious. "Despises attention?" Really? I prefer my attention in human form, preferably with my genitals touching theirs. When I'm not depantsing with other human beings, I fail to see the merit in having a pet follow me around with slavish devotion. What does that do for me? It would give me constant attention...but I'm not the sort of person who needs or wants that. Are you projecting, perhaps? Cats need training also- but yes, they do need far less training and continual reinforcement than dogs. If wanting to invest my pet-training-time wisely makes me "lazy," then so be it. But in no way, shape, or form does wanting to lead a life centered around my needs make me "lazy." Self-centered? Sure. I'll wear that badge with pride. It's a huge part of why I don't want kids. Impromptu trips aren't for dog-owners or parents; however, I want to keep that option open for me. But hey, keep assuming that my life goals and priorities are exactly the same as yours. Inaccurate assumptions seem to be your specialty.
Yeah but as a girl it'd be cheaper with a cat as you don't have to invest in peanut butter, just rubbing one out would produce the just opened tin of Starkist smell that drives the cats wild.
Or substitute tuna for cats. Trust. J/k I like dogs and cats equally. I can't own a dog for a while because I'm in class all day and I work out before/after. I just don't have the time for something so dependent. When I lived on the east coast and nobody I trusted was gonna be in town over the holidays, I left my cat alone for a week. When I came home everything was totally chill. Nothing was destroyed and he was still alive. I love that they're so independent.
Wait. You're suggesting that it's a bad thing to not affirmatively seek out attention and affectation from animals, or to have a social/work schedule that makes being home at the same time every evening inconvenient? You're just trolling at this point. And I'm a dog person.
One of my buddies dads raises skunks raccoons and bobcats. They have a skunk in the house as a pet. Here is a baby on my hand. HES SO FUCKING CUTE. Focus: Good fucking god do I hate ticks. My dog has been a magnet lately and I get squeamish everytime I fucking think about the word.
When my sister worked as a care-giver for bed-ridden elderly folks, one of her decrepit female patients admitted that she liked it when her cat would lick her pussy. Have you ever felt a cat's tongue? It's like sandpaper!
Once we let our cats go outside, (Only during the daytime; coyotes come out at night) we got to the point where we didn't even need to use the litter box for 3/4ths of the year. The cats shit outside, and what's more is that they instinctively do it in unobtrusive places (i.e. under bushes, where we won't go) and cover it. Much better than a dog, who will just dump a pitcher's mound onto the lawn and walk off. Focus: The human bot fly. It lays its eggs in people, and the maggots eat their way out. Outstanding.
Whoah you people are missing cats biggest contribution to society. The ratio of funny cat vs dog videos on youtube are 100:1. I agree with the house centipede. One time, I woke up to one about 3 inches long on the wall near my face and swiftly murdered it with a slipper. Then, I wondered if it crawled all over me as I slept. Probably laid eggs in my ass. A coworker got bed bugs once, and those suckers leave nasty bites.
Sorry to drag an old thread back up......but enjoy. Be sure to take a gander at the comments section.
You are now aware that this creature has a Big Mac for a butt. This is my primary household pest. I'm not scared of them anymore because I deal with them so often. The thing that pisses me off is that, unlike normal crickets, they ooze like crazy when you squish them. Fuck cleaning that shit up.