Fuck. Revisiting this thread reminded me that somewhere in my apartment, at least one camel cricket is still lurking.
You know what's worse than a possum? An Australian possum. I studied abroad in Oz and these things were in the fucking trees right above me. I thought one would jump down on me and dig its claws into my back. At first I didn't even know what they were. They looked sort of like Koalas (though clearly weren't) and they had sort of "hands" but they also sort of looked like Gremlins (they hide pretty well so you never get a clear look). Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
The horror stories we were told from people who went to Belize and other areas near there about bot flies made my wife and I choose another location for our honeymoon. Last thing we wanted were memories of under skin maggots wiggling for weeks before they come out. Fuck that! We still want to go one day but it won't have the pressure and link to an event like the honeymoon. Sex, sun, feasting and little sight seeing is all we wanted. Bugs laying eggs into you. Again, fuck......that!
Botflies are what reminds me it's worth it to freeze my ass off 7 months a year in Quebec. Laying eggs in someone's EYE? What a dickhead
Garbage eating, rabies infested, spawns of satan, raccoons. They are the only animal I will swerve in my car in an attempt to run them over. I think my rational hatred of them started from when I was a kid. They would knock over our trash cans and shred the garbage all over our porch ever single night.