The Good the Bad and the Ugly - 2 Lee Van Cleef may be long dead, but Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach (who is now 93) are still alive.
Not so much an actual sequel, as rather a movie following up on the look & feel of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / Hero / House of flying Daggers. Hero in particular always stood out to me as an extraordinarily masterful movie, which combined a lot of elements usually found only in different genres (the impressive and stunningly beautiful martial arts scenes, the surprise ending, the non-cheesy lovestory) and wrapped it up with a very unique approach to storytelling. Come to think of it, there's probably quite a few movies like that in Asian cinema that just weren't ever brought into the American / European market.
Speed 3, the franchise is clearly waiting for the unexplored possibilities of a hostage situation on a plane.
Schindler's List 2: I think a comedy of this stature requires another film to answer all the questions from the first film. Brokeback Mountain 2: The whole plot revolves around a cowboy who has an anal prolapse while working on the mountain but is too embarrassed to tell anybody else. Fuck it, make it a musical and it will undoubtedly sell.
It was part of a trilogy. but along the same lines: Focus: I want to see a Back To The Future 4, of course it would have to have new actors and I don't know who could replace Michael J. Fox as Marty.
Shooter 2 There's no way Marky Mark gets away with all that killing and doesn't have a billion people chasing after him. In fact, I believe that he will be in so much shit for killing a senator and everyone else, that the only way to stop the heat would be a full out assault on the President. Which would be great.
The film Shooter is based off of the book Point of Impact. Convince Stephen Hunter to write it, and convince a studio to pick it up, and you're good.
The Fifth Element... sort of. I'm actually torn on this. I loved the film, and if anyone here owns the special edition DVD and enjoys bonus material they'll know of the, "Finding the Sixth Element" essay present on disc 2. The original screen play was twice, almost three times longer. In order to cut down the screen play, Luc Besson simply cut it in half and added a few interesting elements from the second half into the first, giving us The Fifth Element. So while I'm certainly interested in a sequel, I fear it would never be able to hold its own against the first film, and it probably isn't necessary either, the film has an appropriate conclusion and could/should be left there. I'd still want to see a sequel should one ever be made. He already has another trilogy written, or at the least a few rough drafts for the next trilogy. The Star Wars saga was originally planned to be in nine parts, not six. The prequel trilogy was written long before it was put into production. Having a friend who is deeply interested in Star Wars has had an adverse affect on me, where I know far too much of the franchise having only seen the films a once. Although it was in one, grueling sitting.
When I daydream about the possibility of three more Star Wars movies being made by George Lucas, I hear Vincent Price's voice saying something like "The night of the premiere, 350 people stepped into a theater for an evening of cinematic appreciation. Star Wars: Episode 7 was to be shown. The projector whirred, the audience clapped, and the film began. When the ushers opened the doors at the end of the film, 350 corpses lay dead on the floor in pools of their own blood and fluids. No wounds were found on the bodies, no poison found in their systems. No one had entered or exited the theater since the house lights had gone down two and half hours earlier. That evening, the building was boarded up with the bodies and the only prints of the film still inside. It was then set aflame. Though no one alive remained within, piercing human shrieks of intense, hellish pain could be heard coming from the four story funeral pyre for miles around. The townspeople knew not what had killed those 350 innocents, but they did know that God had forsaken this place, and that no man, woman or child who cherished their life should ever step foot on that ground again. And none did."
The Matrix 4 Why? More like, "Why NOT?" It's not like it'd be any more nonsensical than the first three.
What I would like to see is a movie of the first people breaking free of the Matrix, and starting the rebellion. Have it directed by Christopher Nolan or JJ Abrahms, and it might just be an entertaining film.
you mean like this fucking bad ass trailer for the upcoming Old Republic game that's better than any of the prequel movies? For Star Wars, I'd actually like to see something along the lines of The Animatrix and Batman: Gotham Knight, where they do a bunch of side stories (possibly involving the bounty hunters) written, directed, and animated by different people who aren't named George Lucas. I mean, the original 2 Clone Wars series' were awesome. Why not do something like that with different characters? As far as the Ghostbusters thing goes, I don't know if a third one would be any good. The second one was my favorite when I was a kid and looking back, I can see why. It was way more lighthearted since, at that point, Ghostbusters had a cartoon and merchandise geared towards kids. The first one was way more adult oriented despite the PG rating: "I want you inside me" "Well it sounds like there's already two of you in there. It might get a little bit crowded." etc. I feel like a third movie would be more like 2 than 1 in terms of tone. Especially if the recent video game is any indication. FOCUS: Dumb & Dumber 2. Forget the shitty prequel. That should have never been made. I want to see Harry and Lloyd's journey home, their foray into pet store ownership with I've Got Worms, or the revenge of Sea Bass. The fact that Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are 15 years older would just make it more funny.
Conan: Hollywood really blew it with a Conan franchise. There is definitely another Conan movie that should be made. Perhaps not a sequel because, well, Arnold looks horrible nowdays. A reboot in the same way that Nolan rebooted the Batman franchise, by doing it better then it's predecessors. Keep in mind that the technology is there to make a very good remake of the original, but I always thought the story, while having it's moments, was kind of corny in only a way that John Milius can appreciate. And no, I'm not talking about having The Rock or Vin Diesel in the lead. Cast somebody new but known, much like how Arnold was cast in 1981. Probably an MMA fighter but who knows. This franchise is ripe for a reboot or remake.
Yes, just like that. That is exactly the type of thing I had in mind. Except put in a nude Natalie Portman somewhere. Seriously, who here wouldn't pay to see that movie?
Seriously, who here wouldn't pay to see that movie? After the last three abortions that sycophant Lucas handed out, and Indiana Jones IV: The raping of many childhoods. I know I wouldn't.
People, please. We need to give George Lucas more money, so he can continue to release expensive, recycled, over-produced tripe. Honestly, every Star Wars movie after Return of the Jedi sucked. Hayden Christiansen is the worst actor in the history of the world, and I can vouch for that because I have seen all of Christopher Lambert's movies. The original series had the Millenium Falcon, Harrison Ford and Darth Vader's amazing annoucement. The new series has intergalactic stepin fetchit Jar-Jar Binks and a Yoda that obviously smokes Crytal Meth before lightsaber duels.. Jesus, that stupid fucking Ewoks movie (and its sequel) from the mid-80's was better than Attack of the Clones. Those animated movies they have been creating are a knee to the nuts for the delightful original series. Fuck you and your beard, Lucas. Focus: Slither. It was the best horror-comedy since Evil Dead 2. It was gross, horrifying, had a great cast, and it had more hilarious one-liners than any comedy to come out in the last five years.
I'm still waiting for Snakes on a Plane 2. It had some amazing one liners, all coming from Champ from Anchorman. "If we don't fix the guidance soon, this plane's going down faster than a Thai hooker!"