Well, first of all what got him this far was him. Yes I guess he can thanks his parents for driving him to the rink and whatnot, but he is what got him to this game. This is hockey and as you well know, he hAS worked his ass off since he was 3 years old to get to this point. Would you rather he be happy that he lost? accept it and move on? No, the kid wants to win Gold cause that is all that matters. Especially if he wins Gold against Canada in a city 10 minutes from the border! Obviously, like Net says it was a stupid move and he probably regretted it but I can certainly understand the emotion and frustration he is going through. Also, who the fuck cares what an 80 year old racist has to say about this incident? Cherry hasn't had a valid hockey insight since Trudeau Sr. was PM.
A US firm is resuming the search for Flight 370. It's interesting because they're conducting the search on a pay structure where they only get paid if they find the wreckage. The disappearance has fascinated me since it happened. This should be fun to watch.
I find nothing interesting or fun about this. Or did you miss the six straight months of extensive coverage covering the extensive coverage of aiming a fucking news camera into a blank ocean void? The Indian Ocean is the size of continental Asia, so good luck to them. This may have been more interesting back in the days when places like the Bermuda Triangle were thought to carry magic spells and sea monsters.
Yeah I willingly watch 3-hour nascar races in anticipation of seeing one or two ultimately disappointing wrecks. Your logic falls on deaf ears.
If you watch Youtube highlights of NASCAR crashes instead, you’ll realize there’s no reason to waste your time on it at all. You can always find out later if Jayce Cockdrizzle won the Mountain Dew Code Red 500.
I watch that and the races, sometimes simultaneously. It has been getting less interesting in recent years though. Carl Edwards was flying cars before flying cars were a thing.
Yes, I did miss it, because it was a waste of time to watch so I didn't bother... it was filler for the 24x7 News Entertainment... much like Poop Cruise 2016. WHO FUCKING CARES? And I guaran-fucking-tee you that they have some knowledge of this that makes this more than a needle-in-a-haystack search for them. The technology they are using is set up to do some rather localized searches in an area they've probably already narrowed down and investigated. It's not like they're just going to go and search a big hunk of the ocean from scratch.
It was fun when half the field got wiped out (Talladega), or whenever a car goes into low-earth orbit. That’s it. The only highlight videos NASCAR has is crashes, and a few fast pit changes. There is no such thing as the “Greatest plays of NASCAR”. The Top 10 plays of the year involve twisting metal, smashing sounds, and fire.
I could listen to Chael Sonnen promo all day long. “I have never even tasted alcohol in my life. I’m a strictly into performance-enhancing drugs. But not right now.”
Here's something interesting. This girl has one hell of a voice: And here she is with her band "Baby Metal." It's bizarre as hell, but I kind of dig it.
This dude has six kids and another on the way. If you know the name Walker Hayes, you know it from his song "You Broke Up With Me." It was written while he was pulling night shifts at Costco and writing music in a shed he turned into a studio (which is featured in the video) behind his producer's house. It's not about a girl; it's about how Nashville 'broke up' with him after he had some moderate success when he was younger and then faded away. So it was his comeback song, of sorts. His middle finger. He's an incredible songwriter, and this song really highlights it. Watch out for this guy in 2018 His new album, "Boom." is insane:
The Baby Metal videos sent me down a rabbit hole. There is some really cool Japanese music out there. Check out Doll $ Boxx. Cool name, but I think Doll's Boxx would've been much better.
ToyToy repped me that he liked the girl's voice in the Walker Hayes video. Reminded me of something cool a few years back, when this local band was all over national radio: The girl who sang a part in that video is Carly Pearce. If you've turned on the radio in the last few months you've heard her single "Every Little Thing." Yeah, she's really talented.
yeah but when you translate it they're all just singing about ramen noodles and pokemon dude, what's the point?
I dunno. Maybe when you pack up your family and move to Nashville to further your song writing career you can do better. God speed my man.
It's hard to make a sick burn on a call back from a few weeks ago when he can't remember yesterday. But, I thought it was funny.
And you flat call me out like that. Son of a....... In fairness, I enjoy where I am right now. I'm lucky in that I thoroughly enjoy my job and I can't really complain about bills right now. But, just to be a realist, if something were to happen between my wife and I down the road, Nashville is where I'd move and I'd make tip money doing cover songs on a rhythm guitar and my harmonica. While I try to one day make a living off my writing. Maybe one day, I'll write something like this:
You should check out the brand of Japanese music called “Visual Kei” that sells MILLIONS of albums there. I heard about it from Mary Freeman, it’s these Japanese bands wearing hilarious exaggerated metal costumes (think Twisted Sister) and playing songs that sound like they should be on Ride The Lighning. Regular heavy metal fans in Japan apparently hate it, and consider it pop music because it has sappy ballads. This band is Sex MachineGuns. I don’t know what the devil they’re saying but their drummer is one of the best I’ve heard. Song starts at 2:10: