Well this went from a joke into something I maybe actually wanna take serious now. My family --shockingly-- supports the idea and the logistics are well taken care of now. Of course, the interview is one step of many, but if it works out the idea is that since I fought my body and won (with the brain tumor) we're all kinda curious how many rounds I could last fighting nature. And I'm curious too. The bets range. I'm confident I can go the length. My wife thinks I'll go between two weeks and making it. Several people think it'll be a medical tap out before that. No one thinks I'll quit. We all agree that if I stop it'll be a producer decision medical tap out. The major debate then among my wife and myself and a few family members is how to handle the interview. And morally, I'm just weary of the common conception that I'm misrepresenting myself, without something of evidence to back it up. Unfortunately, as this forum well knows, I can talk a big game but I don't have any proof. I prefer to enjoy life rather than take pictures. I hate my camera phone.... The interview is supposed to focus on my "bush craft skills." So I can talk about the time I drunkenly killed a hog with a knife because it snuck up on me when I was having a cigar by the fire and I thought it was an armadillo. I can tell about the time on a dare I (unfortunately, sober) jumped outta a tree and killed another hog. But it's nothing without proof, right? I guess I can say I can catch fish by hand? I've gone noodling. Not sure that qualifies as "bush craft" though. Thus far, we've settled on my best bet being me saying just give me 12 hours with my camera and then building a 5 foot tall log cabin outta cedar trees, felling and notching them with my parang-style machete. Never even tried it before, but on a technical difficulty scale, it ranks about halfway as far as the most difficult shit I've tried and accomplished. ... anyone got any better ideas??
Beam extra aged is still only 4-5 year. It's the difference between an open hand slap and a closed-fist slap.
Jim Beam Devil's Cut is damn good. The best experience I had with jim beam regular resulted in me having a horrible hangover. You pay for what you wanna feel like the next day.
What the hell was with the weather yesterday? We were the hottest place in Canada 18C. We are lucky to get to that in the summer let alone mid January, think the world is about to end.
Don't know, but we lost a shit-ton of snow with the 1-day melt. Before :: After Less than 24 hours. Shit got WET. And now we're back down to a wind chill around -12, and expecting 5-10cm of snow today.
It is *supposed to* snow here tomorrow, which means it'll probably just get icy. Highs in the mid 20s and a 70% chance of rain. Of course this means all the schools have already closed, the grocery store was a nightmare today, and the city is basically going to shut down. It's gonna be a shitshow.
Crazy got served papers for spying on the neighbors with his security cameras. The woman claims she can't take a shower because of the cameras. Crazy's brilliant defense? He put a ladder on our house, climbed up and took pictures into their bathroom through the window. To prove he's not looking in their bathroom window. I fail to see any flaws in this plan. Also, this was Memphis this morning:
So Cape Town is about to literally run out of water. That should be, uhm.... interesting? If I lived there and even remotely had the means, I'd GTFO immediately.
Wow... I had no idea that was happening. That is some seriously scary shit. I would really like to know what those on the ground are thinking... do they think it is a non-issue? That it won't happen? That they won't be affected in some magical way? That it will happen but they just can't do anything about it, or move somewhere else? I wonder what contingency plans there are? I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have water.
All hell is gonna break loose. There's gonna be the haves and the have nots, and the haves (who can afford to have their water tanked in from other locations) are gonna have to seriously beef up on their security. I guess in theory you can desalinate the sea water, but it won't be a lot at a time and you would have to risk mugging when you're doing it too. Like I said, I'd get the fuck out immediately, even if it meant just taking whatever possessions I could carry in a backpack and taking a bus somewhere to be a homeless person. Precisely :05 seconds after the water runs out, it's gonna be martial law and chaos.
My old evidence professor used to say "The law is that which is boldly asserted and plausibly maintained." So, he's half way there.
Please don't watch those links or repost them. Don't comment how stupid they are. Don't give them credence or any kind of validity. It's embarrassing that, in 2018, I am tasked with writing a press release about the consumption of detergents by fully rational human beings, capable of intelligent thought. I have to do this for work. Part of my job has become "write our position on teenagers poisoning themselves for likes and shares".