I want one of those restored .22's... Maybe I'm feeling nostalgic, but I'm asking my family for a bunch of stuff that will remind me of my hometown: * Minnesota's North Shore by Craig Blacklock (Book) * Minnesota: Images of Home by Jim Brandenburg (Book) * Chased by the Light by Jim Brandenburg (Book) * Looking for the Summer by Jim Brandenburg (Book) * 'northland-themed print' by Cheng-Khee Chee (Painting) Also, * Patagonia Men's Capilene 1 Silkweight Boxers * Patagonia Men's Down Sweater * Cannondale CAAD 10 4 Rival I feel foolish asking for anything else that is typically retailed (gadgets, electronics, power tools), since I'm able to usually find a much better price on it than any of my relatives - and I get the additional employee discount as well.
-Suppressor in 5.56 and .45ACP -Threaded barrel for a G21 -Stainless steel surgical stapler -A gift card to ready made resources -A MIG welder I guess before I get the MIG welder I really need to learn how to properly weld. So I should wish for enrollment in a welding class. I really want to make a pressure vessel that I can use to make........adult beverages.
Snow about 20 miles Northwest of Asheville, NC so the kids will get to play in it. After that, I don't much care.
I'm wishing for a new Santoku knife like this one: It's about the only thing I'd actually use on a daily basis. Also, nerf guns:
Thanks to an insane video game release schedule in October and November, my Christmas wish-list consists almost entirely of Video Games, with a few DVDs thrown in (Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Skyward Sword, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and Community on DVD). Otherwise, I always ask for Amazon, iTunes, or Best Buy gift cards, so I can buy stuff that is coming out later, or spend it on books for my Kindle or music for my iPhone. My feelings on Christmas gifts are simple: if there is something my wife and I need, we will go out and get it. For example, I need a new suit for job interviews, so I will go get one. Conversely, if there is something we WANT, we'll usually wait until birthdays or Christmas. For us, this is the time for us to spend some money on some frivolous shit we might not otherwise get.
In order to preempt the possibility of her getting me a gargoyle gift collection from the "What On Earth?!" catalog, I'm going to ask for Klipsch Level ONE headphones. The bonus? I won't have to listen to anybody.
What I wish for is: - The ability to fly. - The Barbie motorhome thing. - A whole house full of furniture. Nice stuff. - A house of my own. - A job. - New hips. - For this year to be over and next year to be a much better one, dammit. What I'm actually getting: - The same freezer my Mum has given me three years in a row, that belonged to me in the first place. - Movie tickets(Always fun) - Probably a book. - Gift voucher for JB Hi Fi. - Random little thing that the housemates find that they think will amuse me. What is a real possibility being on the cards atm: - Hip replacement. (I'm 21. Wtf??)
I don't even make a wish list anymore. My family would ask me what I wanted, I would show them wish list, they would decided they didn't think any of those things were appropriate or some shit. Then they would get me what ever they thought I should have. I got sick of making a list that everyone ignored so I stopped doing it. Preemptive: My lists were never anything ridiculous, mostly books and gift cards in minor denominations. Focus: This year all I want is cash so I can put it towards a Pentax K-r and an equatorial mount.
I'm getting to the point in life where if I really want something I just buy it. I would rather get something sentimental or something that surprises me and let's me know people still care. I feel old. My parents already gave me my present. They offered to pay for me and my brothers ski trip to steamboat later this month. We graciously accepted. What is better than something sentimental? Cash.
I just want my wife to not complain when I am away for 2 months a year, is that to much to ask for? Oh, and a thicker wetsuit, the older I get the more that cold water gets to me.
My list this year runs the gamut from reasonable to outright ludicrous: Serious: - Clothing or gas gift cards - Car emergency kit - New bedding set (I got a queen mattress for free, but I'm still using my twin stuff) - Dog* Not serious: - Girlfriend a/o social life - 2011 Honda Accord or Ford Focus coupe with manual transmission - Cash** *I was given an offer to take one of my dad's dogs, and his gf would pay whatever my apartment charged. They actually WANT me to take him, because he's a bit off in the head, and they like the other two dogs more. I want to take him because he's ignored and she has kicked his ten pound ass off of the ground before, and despite his stubbornness and obsessive licking, he deserves better. The $200 deposit was too much for them to agree to a while back, so I put him on my wish list. Overall, I'm honestly not expecting much this year. I've told my brother and both parents to not get me anything (not that they'll listen) because I'm broke as fuck due to slow work and a lack of planning. My dad's lady told me to email her my wish list, and after I did, he called me. He asked if I understood it was a list for both of them to use, and I told him I didn't really care, just get me whatever. He seemed confused by this. How is it you can barely go grab dinner with me once a year, but feel the need to go balls out for Christmas? **This was my main request, since it can be used for bills, gas, groceries and is flexible. I also threw in a request for the Reindeer Menage a Trois sweater someone here linked to, because that is fucking hilarious.
All I'd like is two or three pairs of decent-fitting, well-made pairs of shorts, but it seems that's too much for any local retailers. When I went looking last weekend, in multiple shops, it didn't matter which pair I picked - the pockets were all so small that neither my wallet or phone would fit. They all had pockets halfway down the leg, but that is uncomfortable for wallets and phones because they move around while you walk. Am I the only one who feels like this? Fucking hipsters. Maybe I should be wishing for an M2 machine-gun with 1000's of boxes of ammo...
Serious: -Quality prints that I can frame and put on my wall. I'm 26 years old, its about time my room has acceptable artwork and looks semi-mature - Pair of brown ankle boots -A cool leather overnight/duffel bag - New hockey helmet Not quite as tangible: - An influx of new and interesting girls into my social life that aren't tattered rejects of peer's flings or bizarro coworkers who have no idea how to live in between tee-totaling and falling down drunk. I don't even need them to be dateable, I just miss hanging out with different girls who aren't dating my friends. -The motivation and persistence to master my new sampling pad so I can make more headway on the electronic music I've been trying to dabble in. -Another Marquette Final Four appearance...
Only two things I've wanted for the past 8 years. 1. Clothes 2. Best Buy gift cards I feel like I've finally crossed into adulthood.
Almost everything I want is work related... This sweater THIS jacket because it's got everything I need on it... this coat...because The Guy is ALWAYS telling me to wear more than a hoodie or a North Face vest... New running shoes...Inov8s preferably, just because I refuse to spend the money on them myself (though I know I will). Truth be told, none of that will come to me. People have the hardest time EVER shopping for me. My brothers bought my plane ticket to Maryland. That's really all that matters.
The one thing I have always really wanted is this: The Calvin and Hobbes complete collection. I've dropped hints here and there over the years, but no one has ever really picked up on it, apparently. I don't expect to ever get it, because it's not something that I imagine anyone would ever think of, and it is the kind of thing that if I directly tell someone that it's what I want, it would take all the fun out of it. If that even makes any sense, which I imagine it doesn't.