I really want to believe it's fake and it probably is, but I've read too many things that are 80% of the way towards this to be sure. If you look at the posts, you'll see some people unironically reblogging the content. Things like referring to him/herself as a "they" because he/she is a "multiple system" is insanely common (at least compared to actual incidence levels) in the Tumblr social justice niche. It's even hard to tell whether that quote is parody or disdainful sarcasm. It's almost impossible to exaggerate what an insular echo chamber these sorts of blogs can be.
There's also the possibility that certain people know it's fake and contribute to be funny/ironic and then a whole other group that thinks its real and identifies with it and posts as such. Kind of like when "The Onion" gets quoted by a real news source as fact because they seem to be the last people on earth to realize its fake. And then becomes the laughing stock of the rest of the world.
Keep in mind: we're talking about a community of people where a non-zero number of them consider themselves to be transethnic ("I'm black on the inside") or otherkin ("no really I'm actually a cat in a girl's body"). Now that I've encountered that, I don't know what to think.
My friend's Walrus-esque mother slipped on a "wet floor" in a Candian Tire store up here and tried to sue them. For $70,000. She didn't fall because of a "wet floor", or a hazardous commercial environment, she fell down because she's fucking fat. She did the same thing with a different store and an ice patch out in front of it. Because nobody expects ice in February. Of course, her case wasn't a success and she only got a lawyer bill but its a nice story.
Ugh. I read way too much of this site, it is far too addictive. It is completely absurd that these people have no personal responsibility or any sort of saving grace, they are just blaming every one else for their own problems. I also love how they talk about how there is no correlation between obesity and health issues yet never actually cite to any study or journal. It just is. I think the best 2 I found so far of absurd entitlement is: 1. Some fatty bitching about how dare she be shamed for requiring an extra seat on the plane and that thin people have no right to judge her because of, she even goes further to state that no thin privileged person should even be allowed to feel annoyed or inconvenienced by having to book another flight because someone of a "healthy weight" required 2 seats. Bitch, go tell that to the person who desperately needs that seat to rush home to visit their dying mother. 2. Another fatty claimed that all women are supposed to be fat, it is their natural state, BUT, BUT society's views on beauty are screwed up. And, that the current societal viewpoint on what to find attractive in women is that of a woman who has the body type of an adolescent boy with boobs...yeah, that's how deluded they are. Because, you know, if she is fat and "hot" and no one else thinks she is hot it must be society that is wrong.
Hmmm, most of the ones I've read admit there is obviously definitely a correlation, but will fight to the death saying that the fat isn't the cause. And in reality they're probably at least kind of right. Subcutaneous fat (the stuff we can see) doesn't really impact your health much, it's visceral fat (the fat around your organs you can't see) that causes issues. That's why a lot of thin people suffer from fat people illnesses, it's pretty damn expensive and tedious to get a test done to determine how much visceral fat you have, so the best shoot from the hip approach is to assume if you have a lot of subcutaneous fat you have a lot of visceral fat since that's usually the case. But that's why a lot of people who are fat, but mostly disciplined and active get annoyed when doctors tell them to lose weight, they exhibit no medical issues tied to obesity (normal blood sugar etc...) yet they're still told to do it for their health even though they're already eating less than 2,000 calories a day and are exercising. Ha ha ha, this one always cracks me up, go to a tribe where they don't have "societal pressures to be thin" and see how many fat women you find.
I was about to ask what the odds were that the second I opened up this thread a 300lb swamp thing would walk by my desk with lunch from Sonic, but then I remembered I'm in Texas, and that isn't worth asking even rhetorically.
It's fairly obvious that none of these people have ever spent a significant amount of time in a part of the world outside of the US/Canada. Thin privilege is not having to shuffle sideways through doors.
Thin privilege is knowing that you're not going to be the prey of choice for any hungry animal when on a wilderness adventure.
Oh no doubt, I'm just saying the "it's natural to be fat and everyone else is starving themselves thin" argument is bullshit, being fat is VERY unnatural and requires an abundance of tasty processed food. Getting fat on natural foods would be more impressive than getting thin on the typical American diet. Yeah, this is where the societal pressure does come into play, it's just not as big of a deal for a guy to be fat. I actually know a few guys with the attitude that they're going to wait for it to be a medical problem before they do anything, whereas women are ALWAYS trying to find a way to lose.
The fact that none of you touched the obvious Bacon's Rebellion joke, and the attendant "virginia" puns makes me think y'all is sloppy as fuck at this joke game.