This is because it had been ensured that cheap food is devoid of nutrition, and loaded with sugar and starches. We need to get over the idea that pasta is a healthy meal. It should be a treat. I have always lambasted people who use their idea of diet and nutrition as their religion, but I think the fact that the increase in consumption of carbohydrates and sugar starts around the same time that American weights started climbing is damning evidence against low-fat, high carbohydrate ways of eating, so I suppose I am a hypocrite. I was raised with the belief in the all knowingness of the food pyramid. Meat was a treat, and grains were where health came from. Breakfast was cereal and milk. Snack was fruit snacks. Lunch was a sandwich with processed meat, and a side of something starchy, and a piece of fruit. Dinner was pasta, lasagne, pizza, and so on. It is no surprise that I was a fat kid. (I even ventured into myspace to try and find a picture from an old gfs prom, but couldn't. Apparently you can now log into Myspace with your facebook account) Anyway, my mother blamed me for being a fat, when all I was eating was what she gave me. I didn't even eat lunch because I tried to lower my calorie intake. When I turned 16 I was 233lbs at 6'2. So I decided it was time to take things into my own hands. I talked with my doctor and he told me I was eating too many carbohydrates. So I asked if I could try Atkins, and he agreed it might be right for me. So my mother agreed to buy the food I needed, and I lost the weight, and got down to 176. It was great. I ate veggies and meat. It requires a big change in your lifestyle, and slipping back into old ways will cause you to gain weight, as I discovered. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think everyone should be eating ultra low carb diets. But I would think that a diet of fewer breads, pastas and more vegetables, and good fats would probably be good in the long run. But going into what Dcc said, it is hard for lower income people to eat this way. I was at the supermarket and a kilo of pasta costs about $1.50. A kilo of chicken is about 7 bucks. Even the cheapest 1kg bag of frozen broccoli costs more than double the pasta, and pasta is much more satisfying. I mean, I could eat a pound of pasta, but not a pound of broccoli. (Plus I would be shitting green)
We sure as fuck did it for smokers and you don't see near the level of push back and smoker acceptance movements. Most of your examples are benign on a macro scale or just plain flippant. There are things we should hold people to a higher standard to instead of fucking coddling them. Like say, having multiple kids out of wedlock without have any means to support them.
This thread was created with the intention of making fun of the people on that site who happen to be fat people who are all bitchy and whiny because they feel that unfat people get beneficial treatment because they have a fucking modicum of restraint. If you can't make that distinction, you need to step away from the internets for a week and take a few breaths.
THANK YOU. I don't recall seeing "sober thread" anywhere in the title. We did that already. And it was pointed and thoughtful. We're trying to have some fun with people over overindulge themselves and blame everything except the culprit: themselves. Jackal Threads could be a lot for fun without somebody trying to stuff a gigantic fucking pill into it each time.
Wow, sorry guys, I turn into an angry drunk when the future mother in law visits. What I should have said is that while exercise is a HUGE factor in being an overall healthy person, it's a pretty minor factor in terms of weight loss. The reason I get fired up about it is because I have failed and I know people who have failed to lose weight because we couldn't divorce diet and exercise. Basically I would start working out every day and eating healthier, then I would get hurt/get too busy/just get lazy and stop working out as much, then say fuck it and let my diet go to shit. I would always blame the poor results on lack of exercise instead of shitty food. It was very liberating to find out that if I couldn't work out that I just needed to tighten up my diet a little bit and keep losing weight at the same pace. Also, I would argue that many fat people aren't fat because they're lazy and don't exercise, but rather they're lazy and don't exercise because they're fat. It's no secret that body fat decreases testosterone, can cause bad sleep which compounds the testosterone issue and raises cortisol which also stunts fat loss. Those two combined are a motherfucker on your motivation to do anything. I know personally being overweight made working out a struggle, once I lost it I couldn't stop moving.
I find all of this hilarious. The mental hoops some folks must have jumped through. The responses to this versus the gender privilege thread. Hilarious.
I'm glad people took a step back (which may be hard if you got some gut on you) and realized the point of the thread is to have fun and not be incredibly serious. A little bit of levity is a good thing.
There you go blaming others for your weaknesses, again. Was it Dumbo's fault that you can't deadlift 800 lbs? I think not.
I really think Dread is at fault here. When you are an EMT you should be able to do your job no matter the person, black/white/man/woman etc, the fact that you couldn't lift them isn't their fault it was yours. You should be physically fit enough to be able to do your dam job. Sometimes I feel sorry for firefighters. When they have to cut a wall in the side of a house to extract someone, when the normal gurney is big enough, that has to suck.
Maybe EMT's should start juicing, since they must be able to lift lazy, irresponsible people. Who could lift 600lbs of dead weight without strain? Survival of the fittest-if you can't be conscious enough to be healthy, you must not really want to be alive. It's not about how you look, it's the fact that you are killing yourself, and expecting others to literally pull your weight.
TiB Challenge: Send them the most absurd example of 'thin privilege' that you can concoct and try to get them to post it. Mockery is the sincerest form of flattery, right? How's about a good ol' fashioned Wahooin'.
That's a really good idea. I suggest maybe complaining about the space between the edge of the table and the seating at a restaurant booth. That they don't accommodate obesity by making it wide enough so that the table doesn't divide the pannus in half.
When I was a server, I had a customer complain of this, but he refused a table. He then consumed two orders of pancakes, sausage and eggs, drowned in melted butter and syrup, all with his belly resting on the table in front of him. He then waddled out to his car in the handicapped zone after demanding a discount for the seating accommodation. I threw up in my mouth at the blatant disregard for his health. It's like watching someone shoot up heroin and bitch about his life and how the rest of the world won't accommodate him.