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Wonderful discoveries

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Trakiel, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    People trying to act like they don't remember it in vivid detail, puuuuhleeze.

    Anyway, I had been introduced to porn at a very young age. Kind of like the philosophy of mind test of marry in the white room, I viewed quite a bit of porn but until I experience my first ejaculation I really didn't know what the fuck it was all about. I think I was about 12 or 13. I had a disastrous first attempt in the shower, where I ended up getting cramps in my forearm before I was anywhere near close. Then one night I stayed up late and watched a Beverly Hill Bordello on showtime. Some dude wanted to have sex with another girl while his wife watched, the wife wasn't really going for it. She eventually watched and diddled herself AND they showed full on bush (something redshoe diaries shied away from). Being excited about that I decided to give jacking it another try and damn if it wasn't the most intense shit ever. I remember being really light headed and having to clean up a huge mess on my lap.

    I don't ever remember hearing the classic idiocy of blindness and hairy palms but there definitely was a stigma for dudes that did it. Being naive I thought cranking it was for uber losers who never could get a girl to fuck them. I remember being torn and down on myself after each time and thought to myself I'd just do it until I couldn't count the times on two hands and then I'd stop until I could talk a girl into doing something with me. Well that was never fucking going to work. Then I overheard one of my school's biggest football stars ask my buddy if he'd found out about masturbation. I thought it was a trick but my friend simply said, "Ow god I found out about the joys of that a little while ago." The other guy agreed and from then on I really didn't give a fuck (this was 8th grade). Anyone else stupid enough to be ashamed about it like this? I take growing up in religious families would be fucking loopy in this regard.
  2. BeCoolBitch_BeCool

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    Oct 22, 2009
    For as long as I can remember I've been rubbing my dick up against anything I could. I could try to unsuppress a few memories of showing off to my friends how awesome it was, but I'd rather not go down that rabbit hole. Suffice to say, I thought the purpose of porno magazines was to lay the magazine on the ground and rub my penis against it.

    The first time I did the conventional cock-in-fist masturbation was when I was 12 (a Shania Twain music video if I recall). It scared the shit out of me two years later when something actually came out.
  3. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was 13, I think. I feel embarrassed as hell to say this, but it was a video game character. I was playing Dark Cloud and for some reason was attracted to the scantily-clad genie chick. And I suddenly had an urge to stroke myself. I also instinctively knew that this was a private thing, so I went upstairs. I fucked the bed and thought I'd pissed myself.

    Interestingly enough, I've never masturbated the "normal" way; it feels awkward and while I can get hard, I can never actually finish the job and always end up flipping over and end up prone.
  4. FirstAidKit

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    Jul 14, 2011
    Well it seems it has taken a wank thread to draw me out of lurkerdum. Perhaps that says more about me than I would like.

    I can remember that I thought rubbing certain areas felt very nice from about 8 or 9... I was also a massive little nerd at that age, and vividly remember looking up 'sexual intercourse' in the encyclopeadia and getting vague tingly feelings. I think it took until 13 when I had an 'online boyfriend' on a videogame forum I frequented, when we attempted cybersex (complete with extensive foreplay and cuddling afterwards) that I really tried to masturbate to an end.

    However, orgasms eluded me for a really long time. Even with one or two very lovely long term (8 months+) boyfriends I couldn't get there, and believe me, everyone involved tried very hard. It took until I was 19 and newly single to decide that I wasn't going to sleep with anyone else until I could make myself come. I bought a vibrator and sorted it out within a month. The first one I had I didn't quite realise it had happened - everyone says 'you'll know it when you have it' but to me it felt better and better and better, like I was almost going to peak, but then my muscles would spaz, I'd lose it, and everything would be too sensitive to touch. I realised that the spasming was orgasm, at first felt disappointed, then practiced some more.

    The third one was so powerful I essentially went blind for 2 minutes. Thus ends my tale.
  5. Subito

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    This thread is like Penthouse Letters for child molesters.

    Regardless, I was probably 11 when I found out that sliding up and down my bed felt good on my weenie; perverts might call this "humping." That was exciting for a while, but one day when I was home alone I decided to add in the SI swimsuit edition (didn't even need to open it, the cover worked fine) things went to a whole new level.

    It didn't take long for me to get tired of cleaning up messes, plus I was always afraid of being caught, so I thought I was a genius when I realized I could beat off in the shower. Add to my surprise when I found out that the shower head on high pressure felt great on my dick and I ended up taking a lot of showers in my early teens. Looking back I'm sure my parents knew what was up when I took a 20 minute shower every other day, but at the time I thought I was the MacGyver of masturbation.