Nonsense. She did it because she was worried about finding a life partner. (for those that didn't get it: <a class="postlink" href="'s_stages_of_psychosocial_development#Love:_Intimacy_vs._Isolation_.28Young_Adults.2C_20_to_34_years.29" onclick=";return false;">'s_ ... 4_years.29</a> ) In unrelated news, can someone be a negative reinforcement so I can unlearn the behaviour of procrastination? I've an exam on a psychology unit on Monday.
On more serious note, I learned of the alarming "Trunk or Treat" phenomenon just yesterday on this thread and happened upon one of these loathsome spectacles on my way home from the booze store. A honk, a yell, and several shed tears later I am drinking time away waiting for a pair of sexy unicorns, Steven Slater (gay flight attendant/working man's hero,) a prohibition era gangster couple, and a Jersey Shore couple to show up and cabpool to a small beach house party. There is a very active strip of bars within walking distance and I have no doubt that I will be doing some good ol' fashioned blacking out tonight. I am only bringing cash, I.D., and cell phone in order to avoid any major losses. Last night the FWB and I went to a great haunted house that took close to thirty minutes to complete. It was very well done and even I screamed like a woman; she was petrified nearly the entire time and dug her fingernails into my hand accordingly. She also screamed to the point of going horse and sounded like Courtney Love this morning. It was very, very unsexy.
Drugs is about the only way to make it through half of that album. Overrated. Don't get me wrong, if you took half of the tracks and made a regular length album out of it, it would be fantastic, but half the tracks are throwaway tracks and the only way to get through it is to be high. Yes, I'm aware this is heresy, but so it goes.
I like the album ok although I don't think it is the best of the Pink Floyd albums, but I am excited to see the whole Wall stage set up. Based on the reviews it sounds like quite a spectacle. And Roger Waters is still great live (or was a few years back anyway, I don't expect that this has changed)
He is very good live, I have the 1990 version of 'The Wall' he did (with a bunch of guest stars) when the Berlin Wall came down. Best Pink Floyd album? I might have to go with Meddle, or maybe Dark Side of the Moon, hell, even Wish You Were Here was superior to The Wall.
My personal favorite Pink Floyd album has always been The Division Bell. Actually really like them all, except The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, that one is just to fucking weird.
I could never get into Pink Floyd, which is odd because I love progressive rock. King Krimson, Dream Theater and Porcupine Tree are all bands I love, but PF i just couldn't get into aside from a couple of songs.
This is an attribution error. Everything bad that happens is somebody else's fault, while everything good that happens is because of your own personal initiative. Either that or you're grappling with the conflict of generativity versus stagnation. What have you done to leave your mark on the world?